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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Desperate time calls for desperate measure

Dear PapaGod,
You've carried me through all my major exams, made sure i go on to the next level. From my PSLE to my O's, again and again you pushed me through. You want the best for me, all the time. Will you help me this time? I did mug you know, but a little too late i suppose. But still, i did try. All i need is to make it through this Promos, and i'll mug and depend on myself for my A's. I know empty promises were all i made, but this time, i feel the need to fufil this promise. I don't want my kids to go through what i am going through, i want better lives for me and my kids, and my mum of course. Will you help me again, PapaGod? Will you help Jack too? Please PapaGod. =/ Amen.
Loves, nic.

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