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Thursday, August 16, 2007

i have issues

i have issues with the people i used to like. well, not that i don't like them now, it's just that I'm beginning to feel and think that they are somewhat intolerable. so i reckon it's just my hormones acting up to yet another bloody week. suck my blood, somebody?

i have issues at home, where everything was supposed to be the peaceful-ous. but what the hell, who the fuck hasnt got issues at home? heh, mine's quite bull compared to the others but mine's quite pitiable too. maybe it'll be better to do without family, everyone will be just friends (friends betray) so, dame we should just be loners and live our individual lives. so, we should just do away with the stupid project work shit.

i have issues with some certain teacher we know, we just hate that teacher don't we? i haven't seen such seriously lazy and honestly crappy teacher.oh, some certain person from some certain class told me, we should open some anti-_ _ _ _ _ _ association or something. maybe on some random day, some random bangla will randomly rape that random teacher.

i have issues with not being able to faithfully sit and fattily do my crappy revision. when i finally sit and want to do those donkey piles of revision, something some where's gotta dongdongly spoil it. i know i need to heavily sit down and do those oily revision, i need a push factor so i won't plumply roll off the Everest and squash everyone else so i can focus on my revision to drag myself through Pre U 2.

i have issues with Zoey, that incorrigible P2 kid who refuses to pay attention when i teach her all the smart stuffs. she demands sweets and incentives so she'll continue doing her work. i spend the money i haven't already gotten. and i think i might squash her dumb pea brains some day, tie her hands and legs to the chair and tie her hair to the ceiling and whip her if she looks somewhere else.

somebody? just pluck my brains, it's burning. please?

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