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Friday, August 17, 2007

And I know this much is true

i must say, my life's quite bull. but i'm living it, so i can see it change.

many a times, i never understood why it happened to me, neither do i want to know the reason why.
cos ignorance is bliss.

for all my 18 years alive, this is how you made me feel.
you watched me grow, i thank you.
you doted and loved me, i thank you.
you gave me your all, i thank you.
you favoured me over him, i felt loved.
you protected me from her, i felt loved.
you slaved your ass for me, i felt loved.
you never laid your hands on me, i felt loved.
you cooked for me, i felt loved.
you shouted at me, i hated you.
you laid your hands on me for the first time, i hated you.
you made me feel so disappointed, i hated you.
you let her down so terribly, i hated you.
you disappointed her again and again, i hated you.
you left us your load of burden, i hated you.

you appeared so helpless, i felt for you.
you cried and blamed yourself, i teared.
you disappeared, i lost hopes on you.
you never came back, i started worrying.

why? because you're my dad, no matter what happens.
it's prolly the most heart-wrenching emotions that overwhelms my heart.
sadness engulfs the whole of me, causing tears to fall so uncontrollably. i hate it.

through it all, Jack stood by me.
supported me, compromised, and loved me.
im glad i have you, cos there aint another who'll sacrifice what you've had.

judging by the fact that i've spent almost close to one year with you and we're good and counting, you know i love you so much, waay further than places like heaven and hell.

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