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Saturday, April 14, 2007

dont tell me that i can make it on my own


please tell me they haven't forgotten me,
please tell me that they haven't thrown me away.
please tell me that they still loves me,
please tell me that they want to meet me up soon.
please tell me that they haven't found new friends,
like the ones we had found in the four years there.

the moment i stepped into MI, or rather got posted here,
i knew that things would probably turn out like that.

no more small girl talks,
no more intense bitching,
no more girly shopping,
no more crazy laughters,
no more decent meals,
no more skipping of classes,
no more gatherings at mac,
no more checking guys out,
no more cursing of teachers,
no more copying of homeworks,
no more cam-whoring,
no more dirty cat fights,
no more extreme bickerings,
no more bubble tea after school,
no more gigging and smirks,
no more stained skirts,
no more loose bra straps,
no more bad hair days,
no more ducking away from walls,
no more screaming at lizards,
no more movie craves,
no more serious pmses,
no more mood swings,
no more super dirty jokes,
no more chatting on phones,
no more hanging at enqi's house,
no more huifen,
no more enqi.


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