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Sunday, September 10, 2006

play it the universal way.

Oh yes, call me a bitch.

This time, hayl's right:
Be a Bitch 'cause it's a survival skill, being nice doesn't get you anywhere. And if you can't choose between two pairs of shoes, buy both.

hell yes. be a bitch to survive. so, now. i dont really care if you find me a bitch and all. this is the way it should be, dont cha think? what's so bad bout being a bitch anyway. hehh.

you dont like me, you dont come near me. aint that simple? bitching to some other persons bout what a bitch i am just aint make you any different, if, you hadnt realise. that just brings you a notch higher a bitch than i am. hahh.

and, now, i dont care if some random trying-to-appear-nice girl finds, or call me a bitch. cos i couldnt care less. in fact, im begining to enjoy this tittle a lil more each time. how honourable, thank you. tssk.

you dont like the way i move, you dont like the way i do stuffs, then dont. cos i do what i like, oh, do i sound bitchy enough? hmm, or maybe you can change the way you do things to suit me. hurhurhur. prolly that's just about what it takes to make you blow your brains off. *smirks*

and yes, i know very much that you do read this space. and, if you're kind enough to leave your pretty name and i might get back to you, and feed back on your i-think-im-the-best attitude.

your minds are so filled with because-its-all-okay, you dont really bother what the world is about anymore. it's NOT trying to appear nice and sweet, cos guys have changed and they do love bitchy girls. now, arent you envious of this bitch here? *rolls my eyes*

this is perfect.
hello. my name is nicole, and i am happy being a bitch. tsktskk-

dont push it assholes. bitch in front of me, if you really cannot control that loose mouth of yours. i have a gangster for a boyfriend. and a whole bitchload of bitches behind my back. watch it, i tell you.
this is getting dumb, but i cant help it.

and SO, according to HAYL on eunice's blog:
its my philosophy what and you believe it in. so you are a follower of hayl's philosophy i think we shall call you a haylist.

urgh, well hayl, if it makes you happy. hurhur.

and oh, damnit.. i sound blardy bitchy, i cant stand myself. *laughs hsyterically*


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