THESE are taken today. =D

cam whoring. LMAO.

like small kids on the MRT.

marilyn; nic; hazel

the other side of us.

train waiting is extremely boring.

never leave home without your cam


tired jan

where's the old me.. =/

see the pink thing? I WANT THAT!

we didnt see anything (p.s i wasnt trying to be an asshole here. but, we all know lar arh. LMAO)
THESE was yesterday

dinner at MOS.

norm in chinese lessons

JACK doesnt know how to spell my name.
had national day celebrations in school today.
MI is pathetic. seriously.
*shakes my head*
superduperwhooping pathetic.
the ceremony was deplorable.
the band was downtrodden.
the marching was contemptible.
the celebration was poignant.
sighs. it kinda reminds me..
thinking back.
days in NPCC were quite pleasant.
and i do miss those days.
shouting at the top of my voice.
scolded at for any misbehaviour.
the endurings i tahan-ed.
the pumpings i kena-ed.
the laughters we shared.
the mud we've soaked up.
the tears we've cried.
the shit we've crapped.
the time we've wasted.
the fun we've enjoyed.
the anger we've surpressed.
the C-M-I juniors.
sighs. i do miss the days ya.
im sure its not only me. lols.
NP life has been the most memorable days.
altho the Uniform is superduper hot.
the trouble of polishing my boots.
the toil of undergoing the trainings.
the hassle of coming back to march every week.
the yucky digusting mud.
the depressing results.
the joy of making so much more friends.
the superduperwhooping hot sun above.
the superduperwhooping stern officers.
the superduperwhooping fierce seniors.
and most importantly,
the superduperwhooping cannot-do-without friends.
guowei, sam, gwen, yongquan, bobin, kenneth leong, rong chang, mark, muz, kenneth quah, sabrina tan.
and my superduperwhooping fantastic campcraft mates.
gwen, ronghui rong xian, rong yuan, stephanie, tricia, irene, and blah blah blah.
oh wells.
it's been years since i last went back HKSS.
lols. the guilt's bothering me.
oh wells.
and i heard,
the campcraft team after my batch,
is.. superduper cannot make it. =/
dear enqi,
dont emo lar.
what's there to be emo bout?
nic is emo no more. =D
i think i've gotten over my pretty past.
now, all i can think of is..
cheer up lar. heh heh.
think of the person sitting behind behind you.
erms. altho he smokes,
but.. eh..
im not interested.
this time i wont fight with you.
anyway, since when have i fought with you eh?
im not gwen. =/
come to think of it,
i dont really blame her know.
in fact i'd like to thank her.
for taking mark away. =D
my pretty past.
and my magnificent crush. =DDD
duh. went out after school just now.
went to town. bahhh.
town is getting superduperwhooping boring leh.
how arh? lmaos.
ad lunch at taka.
everybody ate torri Q. hahaha.
so darn lame. XD
and then walked to far east.
far east is boring too. =/
adui. how arh?
lmao. eh.. and..
we walked and walked..
and then i got tired.
so i went,
my leg very tired leh.
nobody bothered. =\
and then they decided to go bugis.
BUGIS got no aircon leh!
lmao. so i decided to go home.
heh heh heh. =D
ooooh ooooo!
i bought a new book!
lmao. lmao.
im so super elated.
its been a long time
since i read a proper book.
its time!
oh ya.
as i watching tv,
i saw this advert bout tonight's show.
and i thought i saw a picture of a place
i never fail to frequent.
since i was in my mother's womb,
all the way til im 17.
and still will frequent
no matter how old i may be. =D
my church.
is featured on channel 8 tonight.
stations of the cross.
imma true blue roman catholic.
that's my faith,
and im proud of it. =D
i know this is a feeling
that i just cant fight.
your the first and
last thing on my mind. ((:
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