now, isnt he cute?

but i think she's superwhooping cute.
anyways, today was kinda LONG..
LJH didnt turn up for our lesson. i think he'd prolly gave up on us. muahahahas. and then we cam whored the whole two periods. muahahas.

well, i.. err.. HA HA.

i dont know what i was doing.

eh. i ran out of pose. HAHA.

black and white. HOHO.

this isnt suppose to appear again. =/

what's JACK doing behind lar. damn SPOILER lar. muahahahas.

i seriously dont know what was she thinking.
damn sad. i only can do math without much studying. HOHO. wanna look at something? muahahahas.

JACK's math paper. muahahahas. let's just hope he skip this part and not happen to see this lar arh. muahahahas. damn style right. HAHA.

this is MY paper. HAHAHA. this is superdupertruckloads times better lar. TEEHEE.
since im talking bout jack. let me tell you something. HMMM*
JACK is damn nice. yes. he's super nice. althought he's most of the time undenialably WTH, he is still super nice. and he'll say all the nice nice things and comfort people, well me at least. BUT! this, is JACK when he decides to be superduperultramegawhooping nice. but if he dont want to be nice, he'll start fishing nic. -.-
but, i suspect its due to the superwhooping knock at the back of his head that he decides to be nice to me like ONLY for that day.
HA, kidding. XD
so much for JACk is nice. HA-HA-HA!
CHINESE TEACHERS ARE SUPER WTH. i just cant emphasize enough. i think that stupid teacher can go and die in her shit lar. wth lar. rarrr!!! i think she's jack's best friend. HAHA. and mandy's and cynthia's and sam's. muahahahas.
and oh, today. one of my superduper best friends' grandma passed away. =/ and i do respect her and look up to her alot. she's so strong, she held back her tears for over 5 hours until its time to go home. i think if it were me, i'd prolly cry and cry and weep and wail and want to go home like immediatly.
i pray that God will keep her strong and give her grandma peace. i pray that God will give her the strength and energy to study and cope with the sudden trauma. and i pray that she'll get over this grieve and carry on with life. amen.
pray for her okay people. ((:
today, i got so many people in my prayers.
jem subra. for strength and energy for work tonight.
hsianglin. for strength and energy.
charissa. for speedy recovery for her leg.
grampas. for superultra fast recovery after operation and for health.
myself. for strength, sleep, rest and a tenacious heart for study.
benjy. for forgiveness and everything that he needs.
it hurts me so much more than anything.
and i dare not ask for anything more.
just for you to speak to me again. )):
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