Search Me
Thursday, June 29, 2006
hello black shit. =/
rarrrr! i got sent home today.
because my skirt was too short and my hair was tinted.
what the hell lar.
my skirt is not short.
and my hair has been like this since dinosaurs walked the earth.
grrrr. dumb teachers.
oh wells. its not that bad actually.
i went home and slept. ((:
i was sleeping in tranquility
when ms ang called me.
she said mr chua ask me to go to kallang.
i was like crazy woman!
you must be kidding right.
im sleeping hello?
then i called mummy.
mummy called the school.
but mr chua never got back to her.
oh well.
OMGosh. i didnt do anything the whole day!
i just finish rushing my Lit. HAHA.
it was crap. like using crap to fill the 800 words.
lols. oh wells.
mummy dyed my hair black.
i felt like i was going to die.
black hair is like so dodo bird.
sighs. poor me. poor me.
i think i am going to die tmr.
and whoooops. i didnt do econs. HAHA.
this is for some person me and enqi are trying to get rid of.
you know arh,
in my heart,
stands one very special person.
this person can never be replaced,
he said that the closest thing im gonna get next to beckham is him.
but even if the david beckham were to stand infront of me.
this person still stands.
even if the richest fella in town wants to date me,
this person still stands.
because in my heart,
there's a hole only he can fill.
i would gladly give up chocolates,
to see him playing the guitar.
i would gladly suffer,
to see him smile.
i would gladly die,
just so he could live.
i would gladly sleep three day less,
to see him for a second.
i would gladly cry,
even if he didnt mean to make me cry.
i would gladly walk a hundred miles,
just too lok at him.
i'd rather die to see his tears.
i'd rather starve to see him hungry.
i'd rather look stupid to see him sad.
i'd rather my heart break than to see him heartbroken.
i'd rather lose myself than to lose him.
i dont think there's this other person,
who is able to make me do such things.
and not to say the boy next door,
i think you'll never fill that hole in my heart.
not even for eternity.
i just dont like you.
and we're just what friends are.
i treat you nothing more than that.
we'll never happen.
i am sorry.
i've said this a lot of times.
why dont you just realise that i'll never fall for you?
and even if there isnt this special someone in my heart,
we'll still not happen.
because i just dont have that kind of feelings for you.
please dont waste your time on me.
its just not gonna work.
if i cannot wake up tmr,
we all know why.
good night. ((:
i love you i love you i love you.
you are my honeybunch.
you are my dearest.
you are my treasure.
you are my sunset.
you are my everything. ((:
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
or at least i think it is.
had LSL's lit first thing in the crappy morning.
her face is forever so shitty. =D
and then had like 45mins break.
oh ya. there's this group of hong kong students who came to my school for some exchange programme.
and then 9 of them are assigned to our class.
HAHA. they are like how cool.
and they speak limited english. tsk.
ms ong like mingled them with us.
so the 9 of them are like sitting all over the class.
and there's this ahwah guy sitting infront of me.
and he turned over to talk to me.
i dont know why i replied him in cantonese.
but he was like shit shocked.
like he heard some monkey speak english or sth.
he talk shit fast. was like trying so hard to listen to everything.
haha. but he's damn cool lar.
they learn english, chinese and FRANCE in hong kong.
and their chinese is the fan ti zi kind of chinese.
i told him i got problems with the jian ti zi and he laughed.
damn cool lar.
they're here for like only 4 days.
and they're staying in some pennisular budget hotel near marina.
arrived at 5 plus today and merely slept for 2 hours.
ahwah's 19 years old. *shrugs
that's a lot of info.
meaning we spoke alot.
NO. he spoke alot. (:
and then i spoke to this really petite girl.
we were like super curious bout her age.
cos she looks DAMN small sized lar.
and she's 17, and she's freakingly shocked i spoke canto.
then this other girl came up from behind and she was like,
she speaks cantonese?! thats damn cool lar.
in canto of cos.
and she said she thought we only knew how to speak english.
damn. i wanted to go like OMGosh! you speak a little english?! thats SO COOL.
hong kong peeps are shit cool.
anyways, they left and we resumed our lessons. =/
and i cant really remember what happened after that.
i'll never know how much it cost to see my sins upon that cross.
sometimes i feel very rotten.
cos all my sins tho i say i'll not repeat them,
i never could.
and i would ask god for help in my studies.
but i never really put my heart into even trying to start.
and sometimes,
i know that what i was about to do will hurt Him so much,
but i still do it.
i promised Him a lot of things.
but none of them i've fulfilled.
when my heart was broken,
i blamed Him.
i needn't a reason to blame God.
i didnt realise that it was Him that we got together,
and enjoyed our short but certainly very sweet three months.
and everytime i ask God to heal my broken heart,
i'll end up ignoring His soft prompting.
but i know that He is forever here for me.
and him.
i thank God for this.
because with Him by my side,
every stumble, i can pull myself up
and walk with Him again.
im so not worthy of His forgiveness. sighs.
but i'll try. i will.
i'm coming back to the heart of worship.
and i know he will too. ((:
oh no!
exam fever.
stressed up man.
i haven't started revising.
GOSH. i think im so gonna die. =/
church of St anthony presents TheCure,
life story of saint john vianney,
patron saint of the priest.
he was tormented by the devil of 35 years!
stage play at victoria theatre on friday 30th june.
i so cant wait for this play.
im superduperhyper excited! ((:
and i suppose i had a lil help for my history already.
thank you lord. (:
there's SYF practice tmr.
im not sure if im going tho.
cos i cant attend the opening ceremony anyway.
uncle tony's wedding. =D
but if i dont go,
mdm za might kill me..
i didnt do her poem.
not really surprising tho.
but still, i'd better go. hehehe.
oh crappy duck.
im still feeling sick and there's pe tmr.
so crappydonkey lar.
blog status: Irregular Hiatus Period
be back after midyears i suppose. (:
in my dreams,
i'll always see you soar above the sky.
in my heart,
there'll always be a place for you,
for all my life.
i'll keep a part of you with me.
and everywhere i am,
there you'll be.
i dont know why but i feel tat way.
like im living my life in denial ever since.
ever since.. i dont know when either.
like im trying very hard to run away.
but from what? and for what?
i was doing lit.
and janessa smsed me and tell me that its due on the 29th.
and i went PHEW.
so i decided not to continue for today.
today was a oh so tiring day.
dumb SYF thing.
took my lessons.
econs chinese and history.
but, honestly.
im quite glad. ((:
i didnt do history.
saved me from getting chased out again.
chinese is dead boring.
saves me from falling asleep.
econs. damn i missed econs.
and i think im so gonna die for history paper.
argh. GOD. i need help.
history paper is on the 5th.
i only got like less then a week to CATCH up.
man. im like so dead can.
oh! supposed to meet QI today.
but i didnt realise there was the dumb SYF thing.
so couldnt meet her.
im so sorry!
meeting her tmr tho. ((:
i hope i can make it.
but its so late.
im coming back to the heart of worship.
you've always been in my prayers.
yesterday, today the same. ((:
Sunday, June 25, 2006

look at our hands. LOCKED. its so petrifying please.

i swore i didnt open my eyes.


thats in the cable car. i tell you, half my life almost gone.

thats the awana apartments i was staying in.


smoking's B-A-D.

posing is good.

retarded idiot.

man. i l-o-v-e her.

dont mess with us. muahahahas.

cam-whoring in the apartment.

sleepy shits.

pretty legs.
HAHAHA. there's truckloads of stuffs to talk about.
and i dont know where to start!
omg. the sunset there is MAGNIFICENT.
and the first person that came to my mind was..
the clouds and the weather up in genting was
the food is S-U-P-E-R-B
the things i did was S-P-L-E-N-D-I-D
oh. i sat the spider man rollercoaster thing.
i thought i was gonna die.
but i sat three times straight in the end. =D
and the cable car took half my life.
and i golfed! =D
the instructor says that i am GOOD.
i wanted to ride on the white stallion SO much.
but no one wants to accompany me.
damn depressing. )):
oh! the wedding.
it was..
like qi yue ge tai. -.-"
omg lar.
we're like enjoying our food and there's this man with this SQUEKING voice, trying to entertain us. wth lar. we were all trying to control our laughters, so as to respect the person. HAHHAHA.
very msia wedding.
lol. i dont know.
so not.. glam?
and i am so gonna die.
remember the shitload pile of homework im supposed to do?
its.. not done. HAHAHA.
intenting to sign out after chinese.
mayb during chinese. ((:
skip nora's hist and SYF.
ok. good night. ((:
Monday, June 19, 2006
I cant wait!
I've got a loooong day tmr boy!
I gotta meet enqi to get stuffs.
and then go shopping ALONE for sunglass. ):
and then I gotta bring earthfy down for boarding.
and then gotta check my bag.
and then make sure all my HOMEWORK I need to bring is inside.
sighs. poor me. cant even enjoy my hols.
oh wells.
I got quite a long list of stuffs to get for my darlings.
jonathon-chewing gum!
enqi and huifen-i'll decide.
guowei-chewing gum!
lien wants something too.
my five darlings-i'll decide then.
bubble gum and chewing gum and bubblegum and chewing gum. ((:
and truckloads of shoppings for me!
oh ya!
to all the nicole-admirers,
dont miss me okay?
I promise i'll be back SOON.
i love you people! ((:
*here comes that sourish-wonderfullish feeling-*
its been a long time since i felt this way.
i bet i'll be smiling thru till morning. *smiles
please come back home.
i miss you lorrytruckiebuckets load.
i love you.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
rainbows turned black and white.
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
omg.... n a irritatin person irritated u
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
retarded bbqed duck lar
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
series of unfortunate events.
no worries.. it means gd tings wil come soon!
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;JUST SHOOT ME. says:
i miss him..
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
mmm...lettin go is always e hardest part of lovin... ((:
nicole can do it!.
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;JUST SHOOT ME. says:
he was always here for me.
he will try ways and means to make me stop crying.
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
mm..was he tink of e times he wasnt.. dan perhaps u will feel better..
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;JUST SHOOT ME. says:
he will call me silly girl and pinch my nose.
and i would laugh.
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
tt was e past.. look into e future.
someone who u love..
someone who will return ur love..
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;JUST SHOOT ME. says:
`- spastically incorrect [..ah..misaki..ah..xiao long ...hahahas.((: ][Loli shota.((:] says:
will b e 1 beside u..((:
n pinch ur nose
n say silly u..
dis moment of sadness is for e future happiness.. ((: so smile~
when i was in the toilet,
this time, when i thought of him,
i stopped crying.
and i thought i smiled.
and i stil ended up crying. oh wells.
and i doubt that there'll be this other person,
who can do the exact same thing,
and i'll be laughing.
i'd prolly slap him in the face,
and ask him not to touch me. =/
and the only time he wasnt here for me,
is now. and the rest of my days.
you entered my world when rainbows were all over the sky,
and when finally, come this day,
when my world starts to turn really dark and rains, you never was here.
because my bed, has only one side.
i never thought walking pass a black cat brings me bad luck.
because all the cats downstairs are brown.
i never thought walking under a ladder will spoil my luck.
because i've never walked under one before.
i never believe that breaking a mirror will bring me bad luck.
because i never believe in luck.
and i mean what-the-fcuk-is-wrong-with-the-world.
as bad as it can be, i slept at four last night.
and i was DRAGGED out of bed by some woman at home.
i bathed and changed, went downstairs for lunch.
the noodle was unusually A LOT.
and so i was the last to finish.
and some woman got so fished up,
she started scolding me.
i have not finish my noodle.
what the hell you want me to do?
and so, i didnt finish my plate and left.
went to the bus stop and waited for bus.
we were going JURONG POINT.
and they insisted on taking 99.
and so i got angry, naturally and boarded 242.
they had to follow. and then reached jurong point,
we waited for bus to take us to my school that area.
BOTH 157 and 174 can bring us there.
some idiot insisted on taking 174 when 157 is already here.
he said it was faster. SO, we waited.
i swore if we had took that 157 we would have arrived.
nevermind, so me and that woman alighted at westmall.
took a mrt, wanting to go to novena.
so WE took to JURONG EAST.
we WERE supposed to change to the green line at JURONG EAST.
but SHE INSISTED that we're on the correct line.
OKAY. so i sat. and then when we reached CCK.
FINALLY she realises we're on the FISHING wrong line.
so WE crossed over and took back to JURONG EAST.
and when we reached novena, we're not in time for the 1pm service.
had to wait FISHING long for the 2 pm service.
SO she decided to walk around.
and my feets are KILLING ME.
and AFTER the service, we took mrt back to JURONG EAST.
and then i told her i wanna go joey house.
she said okay.
so i take mrt to bukitbatok.
and then took 77 to her house.
and when i reached her house the door is closed.
so i called her to ask where she is.
SHE TELL ME SHE'S IN WESTMALL because her mother ask her to go thinking that my mom didnt want me to go to her house.
i called my mom and askwhat the hell is wrong.
and she tell me to GO BACK to westmall and look for them.
i told her IM COMING HOME.
she said dont know me lar.
and so i cab home.
upon reaching my HOME.
that STEAMING FISHFUL TAXI CHICKEN stop the freaking taxi when i didnt freaking ask him to stop.
and he asked me to walk inside, very near only.
and i was WTH. so i SLAM his freaking door and walked home.
i climbed the stairs and unlock my door.
i waited BBQing long til my dad came and open.
and then i came into my room,
i walked into the toilet and lock the door.
stood behind the door and cried.
i look into the mirror,
and saw myself crying.
i stared at myself.
and i saw the necklace.
i started thinking, if he was here with me,
then maybe i wont feel so FCUKed up.
perhaps, if he was here, i wouldnt even cry alone.
and if he was here, everything would not happen today.
and i started thinking back.
when he was here, everything was so in place.
i didnt have to get myself so angry.
i didnt have to cry over stuffs like these.
when he was here,
everything was so nice and perfect.
like all planned and all happy.
where'd you go, i miss you so.
seems like its been forever,
since you've been gone.
please come back home.
and i cried and cried till i came online.
what the FISH can go wrong somemore?!
i came online, and some retarded dugong spoke to me.
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
are you retarded?
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
i am sorry
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
i am his big cousin
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
his a big baboon
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
not funny
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
its not me who type
u look familiar do i know u from somewhere
[..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;what the fcuk is wrong with the world today?! says:
Random Fact of the Day: The Bunsen Burner Was NOT Invented By Robert Bunsen says:
sorry about that
argh. SHOOT ME.
Friday, June 16, 2006
my sweet love

okay, it says:
enqi says:
oh.. nicole's gg m'sia
huifen says:
i wan present
enqi says:
exact same thine i wanna say
huifen says:
nicole says:
nicole says:
what does huifen want?
huifen says:
enqi says:
never ask what i want
huifen says:
huifen says:
i want nicole sze kar yin
huifen says:
enqi says:
nicole says:
HAHA. can can can
nicole says:
what does enqi want?
enqi says:
i want nicole and huifen
huifen says:
so greedy
awww. so sweet. loveloveloves!
and most often than not, you'll realise there's actually no one at all.
and those who always said they'll be here, are often not here.
and those who says that they be here, are most of the time the cause of that sadness.
and it's really now, that i see my love has always been here.
and to think i keep on falling out with her cos of the slightest problems.
she's been there for me ever since i fell in love,
and she's still here when im outta love.
its really when you have no one to turn to,
you'll realise who's really always been by your side.
and she dont have to tell me.
because i know that no matter what,
she'll be here for me.
just like how i would be for her.
sometimes, when you are too into love,
you often neglect the precious advise.
and i think, i've neglected ALOT of em.
and almost all of them, came from her.
and to think i thought what she said were rubbish.
and thinks that she doesnt understand me.
and to alot of people too.
love got into me. and im sorry.
sometimes, its just that i was too sad.
okay, maybe i refuse to be happy.
i dont know.
its almost a year now,
perhaps its time i should let go.
i dont know how.
but i'll try again.
and for some people,
you dont have to bother okay.
nobody ask you to read my blog.
and nobody ask you to ask about me.
sometimes just ignoring me might do you good.
problems are a part of my life.
you dont have to interfere.
this is me.
and im nicole.
spastically insane
man. is everybody in xmas mood already?
enqi says: i cam whore evywhr~
man. everyone's turning into cam whores. HAHA.
i think im becoming spastically insane. not exactly insane. morelike im spastically sane. HAHA.
whooo.. going down to CSC tmr with MEL. to see how depress the rest are without me and mel. HAHA.
know arhs. our batch only JOANNE went lar. damn sad this year.
i think next year also damn sad. LOL. oh wells.
i miss the days..
i miss going shopping with my retard.
i miss going shopping with huifen.
i miss the days we get scolded together.
i miss the days in the canteen. kai dong bah~
i miss the days we bitch bout some people.
i miss the days in GREEN so much.
i miss the days laughing NON STOP.
i miss the days we shout and scream at each other.
i miss our threesome days.
i miss the days when we take neos ALL DAYS.
i miss the wild fire rumours.
i miss the HUMOUROUS mr suen.
i miss bitching bout teachers.
i miss the days at HKE mac.
i miss the days in the NP room.
i miss the days having drills til sunsets.
i miss the days when we're all friends.
i miss rushing to tuitions with enqi on sundays.
i miss the days me and enqi cry together.
i miss the days when huifen go crazy.
i miss huifen's angry face.
i miss enqi's insane face.
i miss my retarded self.
i miss crushing AHEMs.
i miss standing outside the toilet, refusing to go to class.
i miss the days in the science LABS.
i miss huifen's face when she sees a LIZARD.
i miss going everywhere with my LOVES.
i miss social studies lessons.
i miss maths lessons.
i miss chinese lessons.
i miss chemistry lessons.
i miss physics lessons.
i miss english lessons.
i miss poa lessons.
i miss geography lessons.
i miss people telling me they like me.
i miss loads of people crushing me at the same time.
i miss kenneth, mark, guowei, gwen, yongquan, bobin.
i miss enqi, huifen.
i miss sabrina, mary, grace.
i miss everybody.
i miss not doing homework.
i miss the days where i can laze around.
i miss the days where i dont have shitloads of homework.
i miss the days in SEOUL GARDEN.
i miss enqi telling me she crush him and him and him.
i miss being sixteen.
i miss US.
i miss 4C'2006.
i miss hong kah secondary.
i miss being green.

retarded. janessa's cap. lol.

eh.. i got bored doing lit. and so.. ya. (:

wahooo. nice right. tho its nike.

birthday at PIZZA HUT'S.
oh no! oh no! oh no! oh man man man!
im only left with TWO days. and i'll be LEAVING.
wahhhooooooW! guess what?
i've still got SHIT loads of work to be done. oh no oh no oh no! i mean SHITLOADs man. cos i havent done any for the past FEW weeks. heh heh. why, somehow, i dont really find that really surprising. do you? =D
i know!
things to bring:
1) homework..
2) pencilbox..
3) where's fun?
4) isnt it HOLIDAY?
5) argh! HELL.
nada. went to shit. lol. and it felt g-r-e-a-t. HAHA.
omg. when can i start doing my homework and NOT stop. lol. shit shit shit. i gotta finish em! omgosh. somebody pls do something! argh!
weeeeeee. im gone.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
[ ..nniiccooooLe-* ]] ;i'll remember you says:
we had a good loong chat.
tho it felt good to know what i knew.
it kinda suck.
it left me thinking.
and i coulndnt find the answers.
he was..
holding on to something he refuses to let go i suppose.
so am i..
but we're both trying really hard not to show.
unfortunately, i saw thru him.
i wonder if he realises too.
he read my blog and he said alot of things.
i suppose he cried
while we were talking, i had this sudden feeling.
like i can sense he cried.
and i started crying too.
i couldnt help it,
i asked him if he was crying.
he didnt answer.
i suppose he did cry.
and i felt it.
he told me a story.
of me and him i reckon.
ya i think its bout us.
he said i was the girl he'd ever loved.
and i was the girl he'll nvr get.
he asked if i've ever thought of one last night together.
to.. end off everything.
i told him..
it already ended six days ago.
i so wanted that last night.
but im afraid i'll hug him so tight i refuse to let go.
im afraid to see him cry again.
im afraid i'll break down and cry.
im so proud of myself. tho i did cry, but..
i know these doesnt belong to me anymore.
that's why i've been acting so nonchalent.
or at least i tried to.
and i think he was disappointed to read that line.
it already ended six days ago.
i felt my heart break at that moment.
but i did feel relieved.
i told him not to cry for me. and us.
he said he's a real man. and real man dont cry.
i suppose he was putting up a strong front.
he doesnt know i can tell the difference.
he doesnt know alot of things.
like i know he loves carbonara.
he was shocked i knew.
so much for being his ex girlfriend.
i dont know if i should feel like im a failure
or he should be the one.
but all in all.
this love i can nvr forget.
and i'll remember him.
i dont know if he feels the same way.
but.. it doesnt quite matter anymore.
if should come this day,
that he needed someone.
i think he should know i nvr left.
it was nice and everything
he was with his friend
and she kept on complaining how she would rather have her boyfren there with her then him
and he said" shut up lah. u know i'd very much rather have someone else too"
" girl huh.. who who???"
"anyone is better then you lah pls"
so after she tried to strangle him n stuff sand into his mouth
he started to think
who would he like to have there with him
then the pictures started to roll through his head
first cute.yet elegant
than C. carbon copy female version of him
than sexy.yet not ur average air-head.R
but that night
when he dreamt
he dreamt of her
the one girl that he've ever loved
the one girl he'll never get
they're like..
the wind
they can never see it
but they can always feel it
he has been trying, for six months, to extinguish that flame.
and so he thought she never did try.
and so he thinks she's naive and thinks it so easy.
little did he know, that she knows more than he thinks.
but still she'll try, because it doesnt belong to her anymore.
she knows its not gonna work out,
but she still loves like there is no tomorrow.
because she believes that this love mean everything to her.
and this story ended six days ago.
when she cried thru the night,
alone in despair.
so she realised, it no longer is true.
tho the story has ended,
she still cries.
yes, she hopes for one last night.
just like what he wanted.
but she cannot.
she's afraid she'll hug him so tight, she might decide never to let go again. she's afraid she might break down and cry. she's afraid she'll never see him again. she's afraid she'll forget how he used to look at her. she's afraid she'll forget their kisses. she's afraid.. to see him cry again.
because all these hugs and kisses doesnt belong to her anymore.
and so she decides to take these all alone. she'll cry alone. she'll reminise alone. she'll be alone. she'd rather she cry all her life to see his drop of tear. she'd rather get stab in her heart to see him heartbroken. she'd rather die to see him cry.
and it all comes to past. now,
it's someone else's night.
it's someone else's heart.
it's someone else's place.
it's someone else's rights.
it's someone else's HIM..
it's someone else's love..
for benjy. (:
I'll remember you
it has been so long since we had talked, i hope that things are still the same. hoping that they will never change. cos what we had can never be replace. dont let our memories fade away. keep it in your heart for always. made me believe, i can do almost anything. stood right by me, from the tears to everything. i'll remember you, and baby that's forever true. you're the one that i'll always miss. never thought it would feel like this. i'll remember you, no matter what you're going thru. in my heart you'll always be forever baby,i'll remember you. i'll promise you, i wont forget, the times we shared, the tears we cried. you'll always be the sun in my sky. it may be faint but brings us back to meet again someday. even tho we go seperate ways, made me believe, i can do almost anything. stood right by me, from the tears to everything. i'll remember you, and baby that's forever true. you're the one that i'll always miss. never thought it would feel like this. i'll remember you, no matter what you're going thru. in my heart you'll always be forever baby,i'll remember you. if the day should come, you need some one, you know that i'llfollow,i'll be there. dont ever let there be a doubt in your mind, cos i'll remember you. i'll remember you, and baby that's forever true. you're the one that i'll always miss. never thought it would feel like this. i'll remember you, no matter what you're going thru. in my heart you'll always be forever baby, i'll remember you. forever baby, i'll remember you.
i promise you. i'll be there for you. always. ((:
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
i've yet to meet such a person like him. SO RUDE. thisk! he wasnt like that BEFORE. what the steaming butter sandwich! i refuse to speak to people like these. even things are no longer the same, have some manners PLEASe. yada. where're your manners boy?
today has been a retarded day.
my retarded love.
my retard.
my retarded hairy legs.
my retarded alien.
my retarded self.
my lappy hanged. and all i see was WELCOME TO THE RETARD CLUB~ in pink.
omg. dear lappy are you okay? dont get influenced by enqi.
and all of a sudden nicole feels obsolete. damn it. here comes that feeling again.
im fading away.
Enqi says:
I just can't understand the ways
of guys and their mistakes.
you give them all your heart,
and then they rip it all away..
You told me how much you loved me,
and how our love was meant to be
and I believed in you
I thought that you would set me free.
You should've just told me the truth
that i wasn't the girl for you.
still i didn't have a clue,
so my heart depended on you.
Although I'll say I hate you now
Though I'll shout and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I'm a girl
Been told a guy will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored.
I know thats no life
I gave my all, yet still I just cry.
Never again will i be fooled.
To give my all when nothing's true.
I won't be played again.
But I will fall in love again.
I loved you so,
Now you leave me in the cold.
How could this be
I thought you'd only love me.
Into the night
I will pray that you're alright.
You hurt me so,
I just can't let you go.
You took advantage of my willingness
to do anything for love.
Now i'm the only one in pain.
Will you please take it all away.
Never thought being born a girl
How can i love you and be burned.
Now i build a wall
to never get torn again.