a picture to prove we're still very much in love and good. its kinda hard to break us up know, stop trying. we're quite enduring, and strong. after all, these seven months didnt come easy. i love you babyy. ((:
oh, today's Good Friday. this year's Holy Week's a bit boring, i dont know why. didnt go for church visting this year, feeling lazy. the crucifix reminds all Catholics what Jesus had gone thru to bring us salvation, treasure it oh so much ya?
yayness, Easter's coming! Easter Vigil tmr. man, surely reach home at midnight again lah, im so tired lah! anyways, i love Easter, loads of Easter Eggs to eat. haha, i esp love the chocolate eggs. shall buy some and share with A1 on monday!!
and and and, its really amazing to know how things actually happen and solved. super tiring to keep holding up the wall against friends. im like how glad and relieved that somethings are finally ironed out and cleared after so many months. tensions are not good people, try to avoid okay.
ohoh, the boyfriend's really a super nice and meticulous one. he'll make it an effort to pick me up even how tired he is and how late it is. he'll wait without complains and smiles even if he waited so very long. he'll bring me a wet towel to ease my headache, and kisses me when im frustrated. he'll save his favourites for me to eat, even if its the last one. his aircon's spoilt and he'll bring the fan so near, just so i wont feel warm. oooh, thank you dear. <33s

just so you know, i wont fall so easily. even if i fell, i'll stand smiling at you. (:
i'll always be that happy girl.
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