i really am appreciative of you. you've saved my life time and again. you've save my ears, from going deaf. you were always there when i needed you desperately. i come into me and i feel at ease. I'll never imagine life without you, or at least when I'm on the bus with two categories of people thank you - EARPHONE.
the first category which i shall name them B blast techno so loud on public buses, thinking that their daddy owns the SBS Transit company thing. even if so, they should not blast unproductive noises. techno is a disgrace to music. it literally tarnishes the good name of music. how, can anyone call that mass of noise music?! it is simply so absurdly immoral. it is not ethical at all. techno practically kills brain cells and ear drums. urgh. totally disgusted.
techno is retarded. techno is noise. i hate techno. totally.
The second, which i shall name M keep up with the trend and listen to pop songs. no i don't say that's wrong. but, they think that bus = kbox. chicken mac nugget. and its not like they have the voices of Taufik or hardy. they have noise as voices. totally disgracing pop songs by just singing along out loud on buses.
so tell me, if B's daddy owns SBS Transit already,
how can the M's daddy own SBS Transit too?
see how much i appreciate my earphone?
okay thoughts voiced.
comments to be added.
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