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Monday, January 10, 2011

This marks the end of my frivolous year.

So this is real. School's starting. Orientation is tomorrow. My year has ended. Now everything starts again.

This is also the first time in 4 years that I'm going to school without Jack. I have been pretty psyched about going back to school for the last few months. I even bought pens and markers and files and paper and pencil boxes - I have 2 large pencil cases because I had too many pens and markers, they won't fit into one nicely.

But recently, I have been loathing the 11th of January. With school starting, that means I can't sleep late, I can't do nothing in the day, I can't decide to meet Jack on his sudden nights out, I can't sleep the day away anymore. It feels like someone snatched away my freedom to do things like these. Probably the future me who will not be satisfied to just make ends meet.

How does it feel to have to choose what clothes to wear to school before sleeping everyday? All I had to do in the past was to just put on my uniform and scoot off to school. And, what is it like to have to start school all over again, with no friends on the first day? I forgot how that feels like.

So this is where I start, on my own. Without Jack by my side. And this is just the beginning. There's still UK.

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