witness her life; so blasphemeous.
things you never know about this pretty lil thing:-
#she has this thing about fast cars, say F1.
#she has this thing about chocolates, she doesnt really care if its gonna make her fat.
#she has this thing about DRUMMERS, hot ones.
#she has this thing about guys who can play music, like guitars and DRUMS.
#she has this lil fragile heart, that breaks so easily..
#she has this bad habit, of being late ALL THE TIME.
#she has this bad habit of spending money, like water.
#she has this habit of fiddling with her ears when she is sleepy.
#she has this bad temper, when she is really pissed.
#she has this very bad trait, stubborness, say, like a mule.
#she has very very very very very weird cravings.
#she has this prejudice against bitchy girls.
#she has this charisma that mezmorises guys around her.
#she has this problem of guys looking at her when she goes out.
#she has this problems with girls who think she likes their boyfriends.
#she has this potential in maths, she doesnt need to listen. AT ALL.
#she has difficulties liking chinese, and chinese teachers.
#she has this brain that cannot stop contemplating about things.
#she has lazy bones that will allow her to stay in bed ALL day.
#she has this habit of wanting this and wanting that.
#she has this problem with rules and regulations, like they'd always never click.
#she has this weird habit of looking at small kids. boys and girls.
#she has this ability to make lil kids LOVE her so much.
#she has this thing about hot guys and how flirty they are.
#she has this great determination that allows her to lose 5kg in a month.
#she has this great determination that allows her to save money real fast, just so she can get what she eyed.
#she'd rather spend money on books than to spend it buying sweet things.
#she'd rather read story books than to walk aimlessly in shopping malls.
#she loves hugs and kisses.
#she loves taking photos. loads of them.
#she loves DAVID BECKHAM
#once you joked enough, STOP it.
#love her, she'll love you.
oh the list will never finish. bah.
#she loves mel and taylor.
#she loves god.
#she loves tanjacklong.
loves, MELODY. <3
Search Me
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
now, let me introduce a friend of mine. ((:
Cheryl Elizabeth Soh Bitchy
oh yes, she is a very bitchy friend of mine. and i love her loads.
hahahaha. and no, her link on her blog is nonsense.
she made me sounded so scary, which, apparently is not true.
i am so sweet and innocent and nice.
i bet ya'll agree. HAHAHAHA.
chaos. =D
now, let me introduce a friend of mine. ((:
Cheryl Elizabeth Soh Bitchy
oh yes, she is a very bitchy friend of mine. and i love her loads.
hahahaha. and no, her link on her blog is nonsense.
she made me sounded so scary, which, apparently is not true.
i am so sweet and innocent and nice.
i bet ya'll agree. HAHAHAHA.
chaos. =D
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
play it the universal way.
Oh yes, call me a bitch.
This time, hayl's right:
Be a Bitch 'cause it's a survival skill, being nice doesn't get you anywhere. And if you can't choose between two pairs of shoes, buy both.
hell yes. be a bitch to survive. so, now. i dont really care if you find me a bitch and all. this is the way it should be, dont cha think? what's so bad bout being a bitch anyway. hehh.
you dont like me, you dont come near me. aint that simple? bitching to some other persons bout what a bitch i am just aint make you any different, if, you hadnt realise. that just brings you a notch higher a bitch than i am. hahh.
and, now, i dont care if some random trying-to-appear-nice girl finds, or call me a bitch. cos i couldnt care less. in fact, im begining to enjoy this tittle a lil more each time. how honourable, thank you. tssk.
you dont like the way i move, you dont like the way i do stuffs, then dont. cos i do what i like, oh, do i sound bitchy enough? hmm, or maybe you can change the way you do things to suit me. hurhurhur. prolly that's just about what it takes to make you blow your brains off. *smirks*
and yes, i know very much that you do read this space. and, if you're kind enough to leave your pretty name and i might get back to you, and feed back on your i-think-im-the-best attitude.
your minds are so filled with because-its-all-okay, you dont really bother what the world is about anymore. it's NOT trying to appear nice and sweet, cos guys have changed and they do love bitchy girls. now, arent you envious of this bitch here? *rolls my eyes*
this is perfect.
hello. my name is nicole, and i am happy being a bitch. tsktskk-
dont push it assholes. bitch in front of me, if you really cannot control that loose mouth of yours. i have a gangster for a boyfriend. and a whole bitchload of bitches behind my back. watch it, i tell you.
this is getting dumb, but i cant help it.
and SO, according to HAYL on eunice's blog:
its my philosophy what and you believe it in. so you are a follower of hayl's philosophy i think we shall call you a haylist.
urgh, well hayl, if it makes you happy. hurhur.
and oh, damnit.. i sound blardy bitchy, i cant stand myself. *laughs hsyterically*
This time, hayl's right:
Be a Bitch 'cause it's a survival skill, being nice doesn't get you anywhere. And if you can't choose between two pairs of shoes, buy both.
hell yes. be a bitch to survive. so, now. i dont really care if you find me a bitch and all. this is the way it should be, dont cha think? what's so bad bout being a bitch anyway. hehh.
you dont like me, you dont come near me. aint that simple? bitching to some other persons bout what a bitch i am just aint make you any different, if, you hadnt realise. that just brings you a notch higher a bitch than i am. hahh.
and, now, i dont care if some random trying-to-appear-nice girl finds, or call me a bitch. cos i couldnt care less. in fact, im begining to enjoy this tittle a lil more each time. how honourable, thank you. tssk.
you dont like the way i move, you dont like the way i do stuffs, then dont. cos i do what i like, oh, do i sound bitchy enough? hmm, or maybe you can change the way you do things to suit me. hurhurhur. prolly that's just about what it takes to make you blow your brains off. *smirks*
and yes, i know very much that you do read this space. and, if you're kind enough to leave your pretty name and i might get back to you, and feed back on your i-think-im-the-best attitude.
your minds are so filled with because-its-all-okay, you dont really bother what the world is about anymore. it's NOT trying to appear nice and sweet, cos guys have changed and they do love bitchy girls. now, arent you envious of this bitch here? *rolls my eyes*
this is perfect.
hello. my name is nicole, and i am happy being a bitch. tsktskk-
dont push it assholes. bitch in front of me, if you really cannot control that loose mouth of yours. i have a gangster for a boyfriend. and a whole bitchload of bitches behind my back. watch it, i tell you.
this is getting dumb, but i cant help it.
and SO, according to HAYL on eunice's blog:
its my philosophy what and you believe it in. so you are a follower of hayl's philosophy i think we shall call you a haylist.
urgh, well hayl, if it makes you happy. hurhur.
and oh, damnit.. i sound blardy bitchy, i cant stand myself. *laughs hsyterically*
EH, HAYL. i did the last post like at 3am yesterday lah. sorry lah. )):
EH, HAYL. i did the last post like at 3am yesterday lah. sorry lah. )):
i went to benjy's blog.
and, i decided to do just the same. actually i decided to do this after reading a COUPLE of my friends' blog. and i realised these people around me are GODSENT. enqi's gonna do the same too. ((:
GOD - he has been so significant in my life, so significant that if one day i should lose my God, i dont know how i should carry on living. i love jesus. ((:
daddy - tho daddy hardly come home, tho daddy hardly talk to me. i know he works so hard, for us. and tho he doesnt say his "i love yous" i know he loves us. i love daddy. ((:
mummy - even tho mummy has always been the bad guy, always giving me lessons on how i should live my life, and how i should study harder. and always scolding me to tears. i know she loves me sooo much. even tho i always go against what she wants from me, i still love her all the same. i love mummy. ((:
nick - tho he is such a pain in my ass ALL THE TIME, i do love him just in case you think i hate him so much. i do love him know, every birthday and x'mas, i'd wrack my brain thinking of what to get him. and, he's stil that pain in the ass. i love nick. =/
tanjacklong - i love fat monster! urgh. i dont know what to say. can i put my heart here? maybe all the prettiful things too. like the trainrides, and the crumplers, and cookies, and kisses, and hugs, and the "i miss yous", and the "i love yous". where's my walk in the park fifty years later? i love jack cos he keeps on owing me kisses. i love jack cos heloves neutralise a bit man u. for me. i love jack cos jack is jack. i love jack cos jack loves me. HAHA. ooo. i love jack to bits and pieces. <3>
enqi - this bitch has been here for me ever since the dinos roamed the earth. she's seen me cry, seen me laugh, seen me blow my top, seen me having bad hair days, seen me having awkward mense emergency, seen me having cramps, seen me thru my heartbreaks, seen me thru my pretty love, seen me having my hair cut, seen me when im at my lowest, seen me when im at the climax of my life. we go tuition together, we cry together, we bitch together, we chat on phone like singtel is sponsering us. we do everything together. the list can go on, and you'll never get tired of what we did. enqi has been here for every shit in my life. i love this woman tho she ate my pringles. ((:
huifen - oh man, i dont know why i love her but i love her a lot. teehee. we scream together, we laugh together, we talk nonsense together, we eat together, we shop together, we take photos together, we study together, we bitch together, we have an affair. she's my affair. tsk. i love huifen. ((:
chari - she's always there by me to listen to my shit. and she always have the wisdom from God, she always say things to make me feel that God is always around. maybe she's an angel from God to me. i love chari. ((:
hsianglin - tho she's super fierce at times, she's super nice. always accompany me pass time. and she studies with me, and she makes me study. hahaha. yay! i love hsianglin. ((:
janessa - jan's one mean girl. but i do love her, cos she forces me to finish my lit. and her house is G-R-E-A-T. has everything. from food to baking to swimming to pool table. teehee. she's damn random too. i love randomness. hahaha. and i love jan. ((:
hazel - she's damn slow, which makes me appear to be fast. hahaha. i love hazel cos she loves shopping. and talking nonsense. hehehehe. hazel's good, she plays the piano, and she can play to zanarkland. =/ and she hates dogs, and her pigs. haha, she's damn cute. hazel's nice cos she accompanies me sit at playground in the middle of the night and talk away. hazel's perfect cos she's always free to come shoppng with me, we'll walk all the shopping malls til there's none left foe us to walk. and hazel's good cos she sweet. i mean, she gives me sweet. hehehe. i love hazel. ((:
marilyn - she is one crazy woman. gp turns her on, which in turn turns me on. lmao. i love marilyn cos she takes pictures no one else would with me. and she goes for training with me. and she makes me laugh. and she makes me wanna kill her. and myself. i love her cos she's one cool friend! ((:
sam - she's always there for me even when i dont feel like saying my thoughts out. she has this wisdom from God only when she's counselling me. she's the best jiejie! i love sam ((:
mandy - she's mean, but i like her. hahaha. i love mandy ((:
cyn - she makes me laugh. i like her too. hahaha. and we train together til our tights die off. hahaha. i love cyn. ((:
mel - I LOVE MEL. she laughs with me, and at me. she talks and bitch with me. she loves god like i love god. she makes me smile. she is one cool shit person. she is damn nice. she always make me wanna roll my eyes. and she laughs like a mad woman. she sleeps with me. HAHA. and she does praise and worship with me. she loves me thats why i love her. i love melmelmel ((:
greg - whoa, he's one mean shit lah. but i love greg cos mel loves greg. hahaha. and he's one cool shit too. so that makes mel and greg two cool shits. HAHA. he's damn funny, he always makes me wanna shoot myself. and him. and i think my eyes rolled so many times, they are now tangled. hahaha. i love greg. ((:
benjy - i love benjy cos he's been such a great friend. and what we shared. he has always been there for me, like he said he would be. he's been really sweet. and i'm sorry i made you cry. you've been a great boyfriend, and a super good friend. cept for the i know im gorgeous, i know im good, i know im handsome, i know im fit part. i love benjy. ((:
mark - he's been good. i do love him despite the heartbreaks.
lien - he's such a good friend, im glad things never changed after we remained friends. he listens to me whine bout benjy. he listens to me cry. he listens to all my rubbish. i'm sorry i made you fed up. and i dote on him the most lah. hahaha. i love lien. ((:
guowei - he's damn mean, but he's still nice. he listens to me complain about everything. he's like an infomation counter. yes, so what he likes me. i get all the lastest gossip from him. hahaha. i love guowei. ((:
kenneth leong - he's one super good friend! he'll often complain bout how i rejected him and he'll always tell me he want to woo me again. -.- he's one darn lame shit lah.. i love leongmunfei. ((:
bobin - i miss the night conferences lah. i love bobin. ((:
oh yes.
sabrina - i love my laogong! i love sab cos she always make me wanna do better than her in english. hehehehe. i love sab cos she plays bball with me, she plays volley with me. i love sab cos sab is sab. ((:
mary - i love mary cos she listens to the problems i have. and mary's super noce tho she's freaking mean. and dadadadadada. hahahahh. i love mary! ((:
grace - boyfriend! i love my boyfriend! haha. she goes to church with me, tho not to accompany me or go to church. HAHA, she go there see girl lah! and i love grace! ((:
and all other persons in my life. I LOVE YOU. hehehehe.
i love jack. <3
10th Sept 2006
and, i decided to do just the same. actually i decided to do this after reading a COUPLE of my friends' blog. and i realised these people around me are GODSENT. enqi's gonna do the same too. ((:
GOD - he has been so significant in my life, so significant that if one day i should lose my God, i dont know how i should carry on living. i love jesus. ((:
daddy - tho daddy hardly come home, tho daddy hardly talk to me. i know he works so hard, for us. and tho he doesnt say his "i love yous" i know he loves us. i love daddy. ((:
mummy - even tho mummy has always been the bad guy, always giving me lessons on how i should live my life, and how i should study harder. and always scolding me to tears. i know she loves me sooo much. even tho i always go against what she wants from me, i still love her all the same. i love mummy. ((:
nick - tho he is such a pain in my ass ALL THE TIME, i do love him just in case you think i hate him so much. i do love him know, every birthday and x'mas, i'd wrack my brain thinking of what to get him. and, he's stil that pain in the ass. i love nick. =/
tanjacklong - i love fat monster! urgh. i dont know what to say. can i put my heart here? maybe all the prettiful things too. like the trainrides, and the crumplers, and cookies, and kisses, and hugs, and the "i miss yous", and the "i love yous". where's my walk in the park fifty years later? i love jack cos he keeps on owing me kisses. i love jack cos he
enqi - this bitch has been here for me ever since the dinos roamed the earth. she's seen me cry, seen me laugh, seen me blow my top, seen me having bad hair days, seen me having awkward mense emergency, seen me having cramps, seen me thru my heartbreaks, seen me thru my pretty love, seen me having my hair cut, seen me when im at my lowest, seen me when im at the climax of my life. we go tuition together, we cry together, we bitch together, we chat on phone like singtel is sponsering us. we do everything together. the list can go on, and you'll never get tired of what we did. enqi has been here for every shit in my life. i love this woman tho she ate my pringles. ((:
huifen - oh man, i dont know why i love her but i love her a lot. teehee. we scream together, we laugh together, we talk nonsense together, we eat together, we shop together, we take photos together, we study together, we bitch together, we have an affair. she's my affair. tsk. i love huifen. ((:
chari - she's always there by me to listen to my shit. and she always have the wisdom from God, she always say things to make me feel that God is always around. maybe she's an angel from God to me. i love chari. ((:
hsianglin - tho she's super fierce at times, she's super nice. always accompany me pass time. and she studies with me, and she makes me study. hahaha. yay! i love hsianglin. ((:
janessa - jan's one mean girl. but i do love her, cos she forces me to finish my lit. and her house is G-R-E-A-T. has everything. from food to baking to swimming to pool table. teehee. she's damn random too. i love randomness. hahaha. and i love jan. ((:
hazel - she's damn slow, which makes me appear to be fast. hahaha. i love hazel cos she loves shopping. and talking nonsense. hehehehe. hazel's good, she plays the piano, and she can play to zanarkland. =/ and she hates dogs, and her pigs. haha, she's damn cute. hazel's nice cos she accompanies me sit at playground in the middle of the night and talk away. hazel's perfect cos she's always free to come shoppng with me, we'll walk all the shopping malls til there's none left foe us to walk. and hazel's good cos she sweet. i mean, she gives me sweet. hehehe. i love hazel. ((:
marilyn - she is one crazy woman. gp turns her on, which in turn turns me on. lmao. i love marilyn cos she takes pictures no one else would with me. and she goes for training with me. and she makes me laugh. and she makes me wanna kill her. and myself. i love her cos she's one cool friend! ((:
sam - she's always there for me even when i dont feel like saying my thoughts out. she has this wisdom from God only when she's counselling me. she's the best jiejie! i love sam ((:
mandy - she's mean, but i like her. hahaha. i love mandy ((:
cyn - she makes me laugh. i like her too. hahaha. and we train together til our tights die off. hahaha. i love cyn. ((:
mel - I LOVE MEL. she laughs with me, and at me. she talks and bitch with me. she loves god like i love god. she makes me smile. she is one cool shit person. she is damn nice. she always make me wanna roll my eyes. and she laughs like a mad woman. she sleeps with me. HAHA. and she does praise and worship with me. she loves me thats why i love her. i love melmelmel ((:
greg - whoa, he's one mean shit lah. but i love greg cos mel loves greg. hahaha. and he's one cool shit too. so that makes mel and greg two cool shits. HAHA. he's damn funny, he always makes me wanna shoot myself. and him. and i think my eyes rolled so many times, they are now tangled. hahaha. i love greg. ((:
benjy - i love benjy cos he's been such a great friend. and what we shared. he has always been there for me, like he said he would be. he's been really sweet. and i'm sorry i made you cry. you've been a great boyfriend, and a super good friend. cept for the i know im gorgeous, i know im good, i know im handsome, i know im fit part. i love benjy. ((:
mark - he's been good. i do love him despite the heartbreaks.
lien - he's such a good friend, im glad things never changed after we remained friends. he listens to me whine bout benjy. he listens to me cry. he listens to all my rubbish. i'm sorry i made you fed up. and i dote on him the most lah. hahaha. i love lien. ((:
guowei - he's damn mean, but he's still nice. he listens to me complain about everything. he's like an infomation counter. yes, so what he likes me. i get all the lastest gossip from him. hahaha. i love guowei. ((:
kenneth leong - he's one super good friend! he'll often complain bout how i rejected him and he'll always tell me he want to woo me again. -.- he's one darn lame shit lah.. i love leongmunfei. ((:
bobin - i miss the night conferences lah. i love bobin. ((:
oh yes.
sabrina - i love my laogong! i love sab cos she always make me wanna do better than her in english. hehehehe. i love sab cos she plays bball with me, she plays volley with me. i love sab cos sab is sab. ((:
mary - i love mary cos she listens to the problems i have. and mary's super noce tho she's freaking mean. and dadadadadada. hahahahh. i love mary! ((:
grace - boyfriend! i love my boyfriend! haha. she goes to church with me, tho not to accompany me or go to church. HAHA, she go there see girl lah! and i love grace! ((:
and all other persons in my life. I LOVE YOU. hehehehe.
i love jack. <3
10th Sept 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
hair cut!
i know i'll always be blessed with love.
i am so ecstatic, i had my hair cut. i was kinda worried it'll turn out like shit, not that it's super nice. but least its a lil better than shit. hehhs.

and, these are while waiting for my hair to be cut. before haircut.

honey milktea plus pearl. mmhmmm. ((:

aww, so blissful. so sweet lah. loves!
and, these are taken after mass today. after haircut.

this is joey. and i love her to bits. <3

yes, she loves me too. =)
now, for some random photos.

i didnt know taking trains alone can be so random.
reasons why i love enqi.

only she takes this kinda pictures with me.

and, enqi accompanies nic go cut hair.

and enqi loves nic.
reasons why i love joey

cos she takes pictures with me.

and she profess her love for me all the time. ((:
this lil monster, see us take pic she olso want take

she's damn have-it-my-way kinda baby.

and i love her to bits. muahs* =)
yayness! i had my hair cut. teehee.
9th Sept 2006
i am so ecstatic, i had my hair cut. i was kinda worried it'll turn out like shit, not that it's super nice. but least its a lil better than shit. hehhs.

and, these are while waiting for my hair to be cut. before haircut.

honey milktea plus pearl. mmhmmm. ((:

aww, so blissful. so sweet lah. loves!
and, these are taken after mass today. after haircut.

this is joey. and i love her to bits. <3

yes, she loves me too. =)
now, for some random photos.

i didnt know taking trains alone can be so random.
reasons why i love enqi.

only she takes this kinda pictures with me.

and, enqi accompanies nic go cut hair.

and enqi loves nic.
reasons why i love joey

cos she takes pictures with me.

and she profess her love for me all the time. ((:
this lil monster, see us take pic she olso want take

she's damn have-it-my-way kinda baby.

and i love her to bits. muahs* =)
yayness! i had my hair cut. teehee.
9th Sept 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
hold me close
i am quite pleased with myself.
i mugged today.
i completed my literature.
and i think im gonna do maths later. ((:
i have been a very good girl.
i stayed at home the whole of today,
and i mugged and mugged.
(well, and rot and watched tv.)
now that i feel a sense of accomplishment in me,
i feel quite dumb.
i havent been such a good girl like today.
so not even for O levels. -.-"
oh my son, save me.
must be the exam fever.
*im gonna faint*
8th Sept 2006
i am quite pleased with myself.
i mugged today.
i completed my literature.
and i think im gonna do maths later. ((:
i have been a very good girl.
i stayed at home the whole of today,
and i mugged and mugged.
(well, and rot and watched tv.)
now that i feel a sense of accomplishment in me,
i feel quite dumb.
i havent been such a good girl like today.
so not even for O levels. -.-"
oh my son, save me.
must be the exam fever.
*im gonna faint*
8th Sept 2006
mug my ass
i know i need to mug.
wont be coming online i suppose.
i really gotta sit and do work,
however reluctant i maybe.
sighs nic.
this, is life.
your life.
start mugging girl.
blog status:hiatus
wont be coming online i suppose.
i really gotta sit and do work,
however reluctant i maybe.
sighs nic.
this, is life.
your life.
start mugging girl.
blog status:
holy days
and i decided to blog
i have to admit lah.
it's been a looong time,
since i touched the bible. ):
and, if benn didnt tag,
i prolly wont have touched it either.
now, sense this guilt in me.
know, yesterday.
i was eating at westmall with jack.
and, there's this lil girl,
sitting next to the table beside mine.
and, her daddy left her alone,
while he go get her food.
and, when her daddy came back,
with the food, this lil girl.
she picked up her utensils.
and her daddy went to get his food.
just as her daddy left the table,
she closed her eyes, and..
she said grace..
and, suddenly,
i begin to miss the days,
days where me and mel and greg and ben,
would spend our day just doing
praise and worship,
saying grace before meals.
sitting around and crap time away,
going for mass together,
and trying to get aaron to church.
saying prayers and playing games,
and sleeping under the stars at the basketball court.
just me, mel, greg and ben
where me and mel would sit,
and bitch about this other person, =X
where me and mel would study and sleep. =D
yes. ME AND MEL. =/
yes, i miss the days lah. shit lah.
8th Sept 2006
i have to admit lah.
it's been a looong time,
since i touched the bible. ):
and, if benn didnt tag,
i prolly wont have touched it either.
now, sense this guilt in me.
know, yesterday.
i was eating at westmall with jack.
and, there's this lil girl,
sitting next to the table beside mine.
and, her daddy left her alone,
while he go get her food.
and, when her daddy came back,
with the food, this lil girl.
she picked up her utensils.
and her daddy went to get his food.
just as her daddy left the table,
she closed her eyes, and..
she said grace..
and, suddenly,
i begin to miss the days,
days where me and mel and greg and ben,
would spend our day just doing
praise and worship,
saying grace before meals.
sitting around and crap time away,
going for mass together,
and trying to get aaron to church.
saying prayers and playing games,
and sleeping under the stars at the basketball court.
just me, mel, greg and ben
where me and mel would sit,
and bitch about this other person, =X
where me and mel would study and sleep. =D
yes. ME AND MEL. =/
yes, i miss the days lah. shit lah.
8th Sept 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
your hands are mine to hold
keep me safe
i am so proud of myself.
i did work today ((:
i did my LONG overdue work.
but still, i did my work.
i did mdm lee's lit essay =)
tho i didnt complete it yet.
but i'll finish it tomorrow.
and, blogger is dumb lah.
i added the loop thing and blogger overwrite everything.
and then, all the links, tagboard and archieves olso gone lah.
and everyone else, leave me your link yah. urghs.
ENQI, i need the code again lah.
sweet sweet kiss.
*muahs ((:
7th Sept 2006
i am so proud of myself.
i did work today ((:
i did my LONG overdue work.
but still, i did my work.
i did mdm lee's lit essay =)
tho i didnt complete it yet.
but i'll finish it tomorrow.
and, blogger is dumb lah.
i added the loop thing and blogger overwrite everything.
and then, all the links, tagboard and archieves olso gone lah.
and everyone else, leave me your link yah. urghs.
ENQI, i need the code again lah.
sweet sweet kiss.
*muahs ((:
7th Sept 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
fat monster
for you, i will says:
fat monster sounds nice, and its gonna stick with you til i find a better name
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
u call me fat monster im nto going talk to u ar
for you, i will says:
go on, ignore me and let me die
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
for you, i will says:
mean fat monster
really not gonna talk to me?
urgh, im dying.
say your last words
and mean while, while i try to get Jaaaaack to speak to me again and convince him that fat monster is really gonna stick with him til i find a better name to call him.. benjy has got no brains.
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
im facing a crisis
for you, i will says:
what crisis
what happened?
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
tell me
what's the best way to win a girl's heart?
ive run out of methods
for you, i will says:
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
ive used every trick in the book
for you, i will says:
and i thought what happened..
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
for you, i will says:
OMG, you sound bimbotic lah with your omg.
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
ya la ya la. im bimbotic
oh. my. gosh,
i gotta get those nails done
for you, i will says:
Dear Lord, my friend has gone crazy. brng him back please. Amen.
byebye blogshit.
mummy's coming out with the cane.
6th Sept 2006
for you, i will says:
fat monster sounds nice, and its gonna stick with you til i find a better name
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
u call me fat monster im nto going talk to u ar
for you, i will says:
go on, ignore me and let me die
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
for you, i will says:
mean fat monster
really not gonna talk to me?
urgh, im dying.
say your last words
and mean while, while i try to get Jaaaaack to speak to me again and convince him that fat monster is really gonna stick with him til i find a better name to call him.. benjy has got no brains.
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
im facing a crisis
for you, i will says:
what crisis
what happened?
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
tell me
what's the best way to win a girl's heart?
ive run out of methods
for you, i will says:
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
ive used every trick in the book
for you, i will says:
and i thought what happened..
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
for you, i will says:
OMG, you sound bimbotic lah with your omg.
)•benn. with the double N hello pretty says:
ya la ya la. im bimbotic
oh. my. gosh,
i gotta get those nails done
for you, i will says:
Dear Lord, my friend has gone crazy. brng him back please. Amen.
byebye blogshit.
mummy's coming out with the cane.
6th Sept 2006
jack is bimbotic
My Boyfriend is Bimbotic.
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
for you, i will says:
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack says:
for you, i will says:
i got a bimbotic boyfriend, i think im gonna faint.
catch me.
muffins and cookies

the process.

while others were busy...

we're taking photos. TSK.

the raw muffins.

and, they leave us with the cookies


and when the table is not big enough.

i was idling around. TSKTSK.

and they worked

and they worked

and they worked..

and this is OUR HARDWORK. =)
got more tho.
i uploaded everything on my gallery. ((:
6th Sept 2006

the process.

while others were busy...

we're taking photos. TSK.

the raw muffins.

and, they leave us with the cookies


and when the table is not big enough.

i was idling around. TSKTSK.

and they worked

and they worked

and they worked..

and this is OUR HARDWORK. =)
got more tho.
i uploaded everything on my gallery. ((:
6th Sept 2006
im at jan's house.
and the muffins are on the table,
the cookies are in the oven.
and i must tell you the muffins taste..
superb, infact, HEAVENLY!
jan says that the muffins are wonderful.
and she isnt really thinking cos she's quite SLEEPY.
she said yup yup yup.
and, she went...
"i got it! mouth-watering!"
and yeah, she went out. tsk.
hazel says that the muffins are not nice.. ):
and, she said..
"the muffins are very muffin-ish, and okay lah, not bad lah"
oh! she's reading death note book four!
i thought she jumped on the bed and fell asleep.
im bored lah. =/
now im alone in the room.
i'll upload the pics tonight.
SHIT, they are laughing so happily outside.
im gonna join the fun!
byebye cybercrap. =)
im at jan's house.
and the muffins are on the table,
the cookies are in the oven.
and i must tell you the muffins taste..
superb, infact, HEAVENLY!
jan says that the muffins are wonderful.
and she isnt really thinking cos she's quite SLEEPY.
she said yup yup yup.
and, she went...
"i got it! mouth-watering!"
and yeah, she went out. tsk.
hazel says that the muffins are not nice.. ):
and, she said..
"the muffins are very muffin-ish, and okay lah, not bad lah"
oh! she's reading death note book four!
i thought she jumped on the bed and fell asleep.
im bored lah. =/
now im alone in the room.
i'll upload the pics tonight.
SHIT, they are laughing so happily outside.
im gonna join the fun!
byebye cybercrap. =)
Dear Lord,
would you please take my tears away,
show me signs, that this is real.
i feel weird.
and i dont want to feel this way.
and just these few days,
i just feel that i've been smiling alot.
and, i know something is wrong.
the smiles arent genuine at all.
i refuse to let thoughts pass my mind.
like, totally rejecting reality.
i dont wanna escape Lord,
that is not what i wanna do. =/
make uncertainties certain.
turn my frowns into smiles.
take my tears far far away.
make me a happy child of yours.
i think im going crazy soon.
prompt me Lord.
i'll listen hard.
6th Sept 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
no, i dont care.
and sam and i talked bout it.
and yes, i do think she finds me bitchy.
but i dont care. haha, seriously.
i dont give a shit lah.
hehh. hurhur.
*rolls my eye*
uncertainties, not.
this isnt me lah. im pretty sure.
something is wrong with me,
but i dont know what.
stop asking me,
im going crazy soon.
nope, no more uncertainties.
no more doubts.
just hatred. argh.
i dont like myself lah.
basket full of shitty cow.
this is not happening to me again.
i cried last night to bed. =/
thunder and lightning plus sleepless nights.
this is not happening again.
sighs. why lah why?
i just dont understand why lah.
i.. am.. afraid.
i dont know of what lah.
whoa. this sucks leh. howhowhow.
follow me, everything's alright.
i'll be the one who'll tuck you in at night.
and if you wanna leave, i'll guarantee.
you wont find nobody else like me.
hah. this song has been in my head since five plus.
yes, jan, hsianglin and i went kboxing just now.
it was madness i tell you.
oh my goodness gracious.
like 5 hours flat of singing. HAHA.
hsiang lin can sing lah. wahaha.
and jan sings damn well olso lah.
i feel inferior lah. HAHAHA.
was damn cold but, oh wells.
i cant wait for tomorrow! XD
my girlfriends and i are going to jan's house!
we're gonna make blue berry muffins! woots!
yayness! i cant waaaait!
while i get my mind occupied,
so as to not think about stuffs.
aye, fuck care lah.
shit, dont mind me.
this is so not happening.
why dont enqi, just take a gun,
or a knife and kill me.
so maybe i wont feel so terrible.
i miss being green lah.
this all sucks so much now. booo~
`- I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be evyting that u need; says:
dont tell me u nv wonder hw big ******* 1 is?
oogling at small boys. TSK. says:
`- I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be evyting that u need; says:
shit. y sooo wrong ah me
oogling at small boys. TSK. says:
you dirty shit lah
walan eh, enqi. please lah.
oh my goodness gracious.
without me by your side,
be smarter lah. dont go absorb all the crap can.
whoa. buay tahan you lah.
and when i said i was gonna blog bout it.
she started to panick,
and after telling her i would censor the name,
`- I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be evyting that u need; said:
i am a super nice girl, my dear. =P
my life,
isnt getting any better i suppose.
get use to it nic. =/
5th Sept 2006
it's been a long time since i put pictures here.

isnt this, cute? hahaha

this is super nice, aunt joanne made it for me. =D

jack cannot remember he took this picture. =/

why does he look like small kid everywhere? ((:

jaaaaaaaaaaaack <3
Mummy's Birthday @ grandma's

super cute cousins.

this is what was left..
mummy and her cake =]

look at nigel, aint he super cute? hahaha.

FORTY FOUR years old. tsktsk, she insisted for me to put only TWO big candles and four small candles. sigh, denial. *shakes my head*
just so suddenly, it set me thinking.
i dont know what set me thinking, but..
i thought emo and nic dont go together anymore.
shit lah, i dont what is wrong with me lah.
just what the hell is wrong inside??
i feel like shitting.
dont even think bout questioning me.
i dont know what happened either.
if you decide to not understand what i typed,
and come and ask me what happened,
i might snap and explode and go crazy.
trust me. dont ask. =DD
i'll be freaking fine in a while. yes,
i know myself. sighs. oh wells.
this feeling kinda suck,
i dont understand why lah.
wah, i feel like shooting myself in the head.
and shit lah,
it's 0045 and i gotta wake up at nine tmr lah.
on second thoughts,
maybe i dont know myself.
i wanna know what the crap is going on inside this wth self.
i want to make this go away,
but i dont know how to do it.
no one's here. =/
dammit. i feel like crying.
ooooh, shitty tears.
i forbid you to fall.
i am so useless.
save me~
5th Sept 2006

isnt this, cute? hahaha

this is super nice, aunt joanne made it for me. =D

jack cannot remember he took this picture. =/

why does he look like small kid everywhere? ((:

jaaaaaaaaaaaack <3
Mummy's Birthday @ grandma's

super cute cousins.

this is what was left..

mummy and her cake =]

look at nigel, aint he super cute? hahaha.

FORTY FOUR years old. tsktsk, she insisted for me to put only TWO big candles and four small candles. sigh, denial. *shakes my head*
just so suddenly, it set me thinking.
i dont know what set me thinking, but..
i thought emo and nic dont go together anymore.
shit lah, i dont what is wrong with me lah.
just what the hell is wrong inside??
i feel like shitting.
dont even think bout questioning me.
i dont know what happened either.
if you decide to not understand what i typed,
and come and ask me what happened,
i might snap and explode and go crazy.
trust me. dont ask. =DD
i'll be freaking fine in a while. yes,
i know myself. sighs. oh wells.
this feeling kinda suck,
i dont understand why lah.
wah, i feel like shooting myself in the head.
and shit lah,
it's 0045 and i gotta wake up at nine tmr lah.
on second thoughts,
maybe i dont know myself.
i wanna know what the crap is going on inside this wth self.
i want to make this go away,
but i dont know how to do it.
no one's here. =/
dammit. i feel like crying.
ooooh, shitty tears.
i forbid you to fall.
i am so useless.
save me~
5th Sept 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Killed
when i was younger,
i used to turn on the tv.
and wait for this super nice show
The Crocodile Hunter.
yepps. i am quite sad.
he's such a nice person.
(like i know him so well. -.-)
but yes, i do like his shows.
steve, his sister and the dog.
oh wells.
everyone is talking about his departure.
i like this guy a whole lot. and..
may he rest in peace with papa God in heaven.
i am sure papa God has greater plan for him. ((:
and, yayness!
i went to watch devil wears prada today.
teehee. but arhs..
it wasnt as good as i thought it would be. =/
the company was good tho. wahahahs. =DD
and, i think hayl has gone insane.
hayl.ian says:
ya you and jack should make that your nicks
change our nicks. HA.
hayl.ian says:
same lah
jacole lah
you and him are jacoles
and ian and i are haylians
spammers arh spammers.
leave my friends alone lah.
and get outta my life lah.
you are getting irritating.
not entertaining anymore.
you go all out to put me down,
what is it that you really want from me?
you want to see me down and rotten?
you wanna see me and jack break up?
you wanna see me being so pathetic alone?
then i suggest you dont waste your time lah.
cos its not gonna happen lah.
dont even think about it please. cos.
jack and i are gonna spend the rest of our lives together. =DD
whats your purpose of making lien so angry?
whats your purpose of making my boyfriend retaliate?
whats your purpose of wanting me to get angry?
just so i would notice you?
just so you can break us up?
just so you can spoil our friendship?
dont belittle our relationships lah.
it is so much stronger than you think it is.
no point TRYING so hard to sabortage it lah.
nice knowing you. but, i dont wanna see you again. (:
oh my son.
i got alot of shows that i wanna watch.
so many shows, so little time, not enough cash. =/
and, i feel like getting another crumpler.
tsk, the smaller one lah. ninety six bucks. xD
and, it's not just me. lmao.
wanna see ugly gothic?
shit lah, i feel damn bad.
but, anyway. click on cyn's link.
i laughed so hard,
i think my ass came off. TSK.
they are so black, and they wanna be gothic.
oh my goodness gracious.
you should have seen everyone's expression,
the moment these two indians step into class.
*smirks. :D
my mind is like a whirlwind.
but, i know where it is leading to.
still, i feel *rolls my eye*
enqi, you better get me outta this shit.
i dont like it. HAHA.
walan eh. this sucks.
no no no no no no no!
whoa, it'll be a looong time before i can volley again.
i kinda miss trainings lah.
this is shit weird. HAHAHA.
i feel like shitting already.
hayl says i remove her bowels.
how honoured am i. -.-
you know if you dont type spams properly,
you'll end up with spasm.
okay, that was random. =/
when i was younger,
i used to turn on the tv.
and wait for this super nice show
The Crocodile Hunter.
yepps. i am quite sad.
he's such a nice person.
(like i know him so well. -.-)
but yes, i do like his shows.
steve, his sister and the dog.
oh wells.
everyone is talking about his departure.
i like this guy a whole lot. and..
may he rest in peace with papa God in heaven.
i am sure papa God has greater plan for him. ((:
and, yayness!
i went to watch devil wears prada today.
teehee. but arhs..
it wasnt as good as i thought it would be. =/
the company was good tho. wahahahs. =DD
and, i think hayl has gone insane.
hayl.ian says:
ya you and jack should make that your nicks
change our nicks. HA.
hayl.ian says:
same lah
jacole lah
you and him are jacoles
and ian and i are haylians
spammers arh spammers.
leave my friends alone lah.
and get outta my life lah.
you are getting irritating.
not entertaining anymore.
you go all out to put me down,
what is it that you really want from me?
you want to see me down and rotten?
you wanna see me and jack break up?
you wanna see me being so pathetic alone?
then i suggest you dont waste your time lah.
cos its not gonna happen lah.
dont even think about it please. cos.
jack and i are gonna spend the rest of our lives together. =DD
whats your purpose of making lien so angry?
whats your purpose of making my boyfriend retaliate?
whats your purpose of wanting me to get angry?
just so i would notice you?
just so you can break us up?
just so you can spoil our friendship?
dont belittle our relationships lah.
it is so much stronger than you think it is.
no point TRYING so hard to sabortage it lah.
nice knowing you. but, i dont wanna see you again. (:
oh my son.
i got alot of shows that i wanna watch.
so many shows, so little time, not enough cash. =/
and, i feel like getting another crumpler.
tsk, the smaller one lah. ninety six bucks. xD
and, it's not just me. lmao.
wanna see ugly gothic?
shit lah, i feel damn bad.
but, anyway. click on cyn's link.
i laughed so hard,
i think my ass came off. TSK.
they are so black, and they wanna be gothic.
oh my goodness gracious.
you should have seen everyone's expression,
the moment these two indians step into class.
*smirks. :D
my mind is like a whirlwind.
but, i know where it is leading to.
still, i feel *rolls my eye*
enqi, you better get me outta this shit.
i dont like it. HAHA.
walan eh. this sucks.
no no no no no no no!
whoa, it'll be a looong time before i can volley again.
i kinda miss trainings lah.
this is shit weird. HAHAHA.
i feel like shitting already.
hayl says i remove her bowels.
how honoured am i. -.-
you know if you dont type spams properly,
you'll end up with spasm.
okay, that was random. =/
Sunday, September 03, 2006
the Lord walks with me
The Lord walks with me.
as i was searching for nice skins to change,
i came upon this blog with these words..
and, i find it rather enlightening,
like the Lord was talking to me. hmmm..
one night a man had a dream.
he dreamed that he was walking
along the beach with the LORD.
across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
for each scene he noticed two
sets of footprints in the sand:
one belonging to him,
and the other to the LORD.
when the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
he noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.
he also noticed that it happened at the
very lowest and saddest times in his life.
this really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
but I have noticed that during the
most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
i don't understand why when i needed
you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"my son, my precious child,
i love you and i would never leave you.
during your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
this is a time where the LORD walks with me.
three sets of footprints:
the LORD's, jack's and mine. :))
and so, i suppose..
no amount of JOKER or PAL OF JOKER,
can break the bond we share. =))
as i was searching for nice skins to change,
i came upon this blog with these words..
and, i find it rather enlightening,
like the Lord was talking to me. hmmm..
one night a man had a dream.
he dreamed that he was walking
along the beach with the LORD.
across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
for each scene he noticed two
sets of footprints in the sand:
one belonging to him,
and the other to the LORD.
when the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
he noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.
he also noticed that it happened at the
very lowest and saddest times in his life.
this really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
but I have noticed that during the
most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
i don't understand why when i needed
you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"my son, my precious child,
i love you and i would never leave you.
during your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
this is a time where the LORD walks with me.
three sets of footprints:
the LORD's, jack's and mine. :))
and so, i suppose..
no amount of JOKER or PAL OF JOKER,
can break the bond we share. =))
bored my ass off
this is so dumb.
i dunno what to put here leh, so i put this lor. says:
nicooooLe* aiyoyo says:
i dunno what to put here leh, so i put this lor. says:
nicooooLe* aiyoyo says:
i dunno what to put here leh, so i put this lor. says:
i see.
nicooooLe* aiyoyo says:
yes. look up.
i dunno what to put here leh, so i put this lor. says:
i see lights
nicooooLe* aiyoyo says:
i dunno what to put here leh, so i put this lor. says:
romantic sia
actually no
one blub looks broken
im so bored, i became dumb.
when i look into your eyes, i see happiness
today is sunday!
and yayness!
which means it'll be tuesday in no time. =D
i slept at 4 last night.
was dragged outta bed by daddy at 10 this morning.
whoaa. i was so darn reluctant,
you should have seen the whole dragging-nic-outta-bed process.
such a chore to wake up early on sundays. baah.
i got up and came online.
and i realised that joker person tagged like a lunatic.
so dumb lah these people,
dont they have better things to do besides attracting attention?
hahha. went macphersons to eat.
and headed here, at grandma's house.
i feel like going to sleep now.
i lack my beauty sleep and im getting cranky.
and the connection here is getting cranky too. baah.
i dont know why anyone can be as bored as i am.
i think im gonna kill myself.
im so crappy.
i am so ecstatic.
i got such a pretty bag. =D
and no, it's not some malay couple thing.
it's a jack and nic thing.
you're just jealoused, hahahahaha.
that's when i love you
when you had to look away,
when you dont have mush to say.
thats when i love you,
i love you just that way.
to hear you stumble when you speak,
or see you walk with two left feet.
thats when i love you,
i love you endlessly.
and you your mad cos you lost a game,
forget im waiting in the rain.
baby i love you,
i love you anyway.
and here's my promise made tonight,
you can count on me for life.
cos thats when i love you,
when nothing you do could change my mind.
the more i learn, the more i long.
the more my heart cant get enough.
thats when i love you, when i love you,
no matter what.
so when you turn to hide you eyes,
cos the movie made you cry.
thats when i love you,
i love you a lil more each time.
and when you cant quite match your clothes,
or when you laugh at your own jokes.
thats when i love you,
i love you more than you know.
and when you forget that we had a date,
i look at your guilt when you show up late.
baby i love you,
i love you anyway.
cos here's my promise made tonight,
you can count on me for life.
cos thats when i love you,
when nothing you do could change my mind.
the more i learn, the more i long,
the more my heart cant get enough.
thats when i love you, when i love you,
no matter what.
crap. i realised these colours looked like what jack wear for soccer. tsk.
3rd Sept 2006
today is sunday!
and yayness!
which means it'll be tuesday in no time. =D
i slept at 4 last night.
was dragged outta bed by daddy at 10 this morning.
whoaa. i was so darn reluctant,
you should have seen the whole dragging-nic-outta-bed process.
such a chore to wake up early on sundays. baah.
i got up and came online.
and i realised that joker person tagged like a lunatic.
so dumb lah these people,
dont they have better things to do besides attracting attention?
hahha. went macphersons to eat.
and headed here, at grandma's house.
i feel like going to sleep now.
i lack my beauty sleep and im getting cranky.
and the connection here is getting cranky too. baah.
i dont know why anyone can be as bored as i am.
i think im gonna kill myself.
im so crappy.
i am so ecstatic.
i got such a pretty bag. =D
and no, it's not some malay couple thing.
it's a jack and nic thing.
you're just jealoused, hahahahaha.
that's when i love you
when you had to look away,
when you dont have mush to say.
thats when i love you,
i love you just that way.
to hear you stumble when you speak,
or see you walk with two left feet.
thats when i love you,
i love you endlessly.
and you your mad cos you lost a game,
forget im waiting in the rain.
baby i love you,
i love you anyway.
and here's my promise made tonight,
you can count on me for life.
cos thats when i love you,
when nothing you do could change my mind.
the more i learn, the more i long.
the more my heart cant get enough.
thats when i love you, when i love you,
no matter what.
so when you turn to hide you eyes,
cos the movie made you cry.
thats when i love you,
i love you a lil more each time.
and when you cant quite match your clothes,
or when you laugh at your own jokes.
thats when i love you,
i love you more than you know.
and when you forget that we had a date,
i look at your guilt when you show up late.
baby i love you,
i love you anyway.
cos here's my promise made tonight,
you can count on me for life.
cos thats when i love you,
when nothing you do could change my mind.
the more i learn, the more i long,
the more my heart cant get enough.
thats when i love you, when i love you,
no matter what.
crap. i realised these colours looked like what jack wear for soccer. tsk.
3rd Sept 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
happy day
today is a happy day
yes, today is a happy day.
i met jack at orchard, and then headed to buy my ORANGE CRUMPLER. wah, sooo super excited lah. like small kid upon recieving a new toy. xD and, i couldnt make up my mind, whether to get the BIG one or the small one. LOL. and then in the end, i got the BIG one. muahahahs.
wah, i so enjoyed today. tsk. i wonder why. --.
suddenly i felt like eating ice cream and i decided to be nice and treat jack ice cream too. had ice cream waffle at gelare. and the ice cream was so sweet, i wonder why. LMAO.
jack went pasir ris for mummy's birthday erhms function. and i rushed to church, and i made it in time, for the last hymn. HAHA. so meaning i gotta go to church tomorrow. =/
and then daddy came and fetch me mummy and nick. dropped by jem's house, passed him the chocs. and greg and mel went, where's jack? and i said went for function. so greg went, okay loh, happy loh, birthday together loh. -.-
anyways, and then we went to harbour front to eat. mummy's birthday. ((: and i was so super bloated, i felt like vomitting. rarr.
and we went driving around singapore.
and no, i wont take jack for granted.
ten years down the road,
i picture myself, walking down the aisle with jack waiting.
twenty years later,
i see jack and i with our children, going shopping everywhere.
thirty years later,
we'll witness our children's successful life.
forty years down,
jack and i will travel around the world, and enjoy life.
fifty years from now,
i foresee us walking in the park, hand in hand, with loads of grandchildren running around.
and jack says,
hundred years later,
jack and nic will meet again in our next life.
i so love jack. =D
and my wish list has growned if you havent noticed. ((:
benjy's talking tweet with me now. -.- i donch understandxx dosex gerxx lahZ. type lyk tat norrt tiringxx mehxx? whoa. i took like twenty mins to type that lah. HA..
talking tweet. urghx! *shivers*
3rd september 2006 ((:
yes, today is a happy day.
i met jack at orchard, and then headed to buy my ORANGE CRUMPLER. wah, sooo super excited lah. like small kid upon recieving a new toy. xD and, i couldnt make up my mind, whether to get the BIG one or the small one. LOL. and then in the end, i got the BIG one. muahahahs.
wah, i so enjoyed today. tsk. i wonder why. --.
suddenly i felt like eating ice cream and i decided to be nice and treat jack ice cream too. had ice cream waffle at gelare. and the ice cream was so sweet, i wonder why. LMAO.
jack went pasir ris for mummy's birthday erhms function. and i rushed to church, and i made it in time, for the last hymn. HAHA. so meaning i gotta go to church tomorrow. =/
and then daddy came and fetch me mummy and nick. dropped by jem's house, passed him the chocs. and greg and mel went, where's jack? and i said went for function. so greg went, okay loh, happy loh, birthday together loh. -.-
anyways, and then we went to harbour front to eat. mummy's birthday. ((: and i was so super bloated, i felt like vomitting. rarr.
and we went driving around singapore.
and no, i wont take jack for granted.
ten years down the road,
i picture myself, walking down the aisle with jack waiting.
twenty years later,
i see jack and i with our children, going shopping everywhere.
thirty years later,
we'll witness our children's successful life.
forty years down,
jack and i will travel around the world, and enjoy life.
fifty years from now,
i foresee us walking in the park, hand in hand, with loads of grandchildren running around.
and jack says,
hundred years later,
jack and nic will meet again in our next life.
i so love jack. =D
and my wish list has growned if you havent noticed. ((:
benjy's talking tweet with me now. -.- i donch understandxx dosex gerxx lahZ. type lyk tat norrt tiringxx mehxx? whoa. i took like twenty mins to type that lah. HA..
talking tweet. urghx! *shivers*
3rd september 2006 ((:
Friday, September 01, 2006
this is weird..
and so out of the blue, he came and said,
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i havent gone about telling you how happy i am for you and jack yet
i am happy for you
i love my jack says:
thank you
are you angry?
i feel your..
hais nvm
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
why should i be?
i mean
ever since we broke up
all i really wanted for you is to be happy
obviously i couldnt do that
im glad he can
i love my jack says:
you could but you didnt wanted to give us a chance. i held on, but i realised that youre just not gonna make things happen. and i didnt want to think bout these anymore.
and the feeling, eventually.. faded i suppose.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i knew they would
and that's partly why i didnt want to do anything
i love my jack says:
you did it on purpose didnt you
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
you could say that
for the greater good
and see
you got a nice guy now
i love my jack says:
i could tell
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i love my jack says:
why must you do the things you dont want to
i dont understand lah.
i mean isnt it very painful. to make decisions like that
i love my jack says:
why torture yourself like that lah.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
it worked out in the end didnt it
i love my jack says:
i feel..
very disappointed.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
sacrifices have to be made my dear
i love my jack says:
i know.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
in war
i love my jack says:
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
someone have to die
i love my jack says:
you never change do you
thank you.
i dont know what to say.
but, you dont have to try to make me angry with you, or to make me hate you.
because you know its not possible
just so you know, i'll always be here, as your very very good friend.
and you dont have to ignore me lah
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i was bathing
i appreciate it
there was never a thing going on between me and jack
as in
jacklyn jack
i love my jack says:
i know. i figured.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
much less cheryl
and you can tell your jack
if he doesnt treat you nicely
i'll come after him with my brac 4.
i love my jack says:
he treats me super nicely.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i should think so
i love my jack says:
you know i am a girl so not worthy of your sacrifices
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
and i am a boy so willing to make them for you
the world's a weird place
i love my jack says:
your gonna make me cry lah
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
think guns and roses
dont cry
you know the lyrics
i love my jack says:
yeah i know. hah.
yeah, the world is a weird place.
and sometimes, i wonder.
what's so good bout me.
i am a girl so not worthy of the sacrifices i recieved.
i dont understand.
and, why do people only treasure what they lost.
JACK, is someone i'll learn to treasure so deeply.
i'll never take him for granted.
i'll never break his heart.
because i love him soo much.
after talking to benjy,
i felt like crying.
tears of disappointment.
tears of disbelief.
why must anyone put themselves thru such pain,
just so i'll get over him and start a new.
i am not even worth it.
benjy had purposely spite me with jacklyn,
said things he never meant.
did stuffs he never wanted to.
just so i would forget about him,
and get on with my life.
why Lord, why. i dont understand.
how could anyone hurt themselves this a way.
thank you benjy. ((:
i'll always be your friend.
always always always.
i promise.
i so love jack. muahs*
and so out of the blue, he came and said,
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i havent gone about telling you how happy i am for you and jack yet
i am happy for you
i love my jack says:
thank you
are you angry?
i feel your..
hais nvm
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
why should i be?
i mean
ever since we broke up
all i really wanted for you is to be happy
obviously i couldnt do that
im glad he can
i love my jack says:
you could but you didnt wanted to give us a chance. i held on, but i realised that youre just not gonna make things happen. and i didnt want to think bout these anymore.
and the feeling, eventually.. faded i suppose.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i knew they would
and that's partly why i didnt want to do anything
i love my jack says:
you did it on purpose didnt you
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
you could say that
for the greater good
and see
you got a nice guy now
i love my jack says:
i could tell
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i love my jack says:
why must you do the things you dont want to
i dont understand lah.
i mean isnt it very painful. to make decisions like that
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
what matters is
what matters is
i love my jack says:
why torture yourself like that lah.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
it worked out in the end didnt it
i love my jack says:
i feel..
very disappointed.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
sacrifices have to be made my dear
i love my jack says:
i know.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
in war
i love my jack says:
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
someone have to die
i love my jack says:
you never change do you
thank you.
i dont know what to say.
but, you dont have to try to make me angry with you, or to make me hate you.
because you know its not possible
just so you know, i'll always be here, as your very very good friend.
and you dont have to ignore me lah
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i was bathing
i appreciate it
there was never a thing going on between me and jack
as in
jacklyn jack
i love my jack says:
i know. i figured.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
much less cheryl
and you can tell your jack
if he doesnt treat you nicely
i'll come after him with my brac 4.
i love my jack says:
he treats me super nicely.
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
i should think so
i love my jack says:
you know i am a girl so not worthy of your sacrifices
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
and i am a boy so willing to make them for you
the world's a weird place
i love my jack says:
your gonna make me cry lah
•benn. with the double N one day you'll know says:
think guns and roses
dont cry
you know the lyrics
i love my jack says:
yeah i know. hah.
yeah, the world is a weird place.
and sometimes, i wonder.
what's so good bout me.
i am a girl so not worthy of the sacrifices i recieved.
i dont understand.
and, why do people only treasure what they lost.
JACK, is someone i'll learn to treasure so deeply.
i'll never take him for granted.
i'll never break his heart.
because i love him soo much.
after talking to benjy,
i felt like crying.
tears of disappointment.
tears of disbelief.
why must anyone put themselves thru such pain,
just so i'll get over him and start a new.
i am not even worth it.
benjy had purposely spite me with jacklyn,
said things he never meant.
did stuffs he never wanted to.
just so i would forget about him,
and get on with my life.
why Lord, why. i dont understand.
how could anyone hurt themselves this a way.
thank you benjy. ((:
i'll always be your friend.
always always always.
i promise.
i so love jack. muahs*
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