Hear ye! Hear ye! All my awesome friends who used to sit beside me in class, have you heard of the Post-it® “How You Use It” contest? Apple iPad's the first prize! How cool is that? I'm definitely joining the contest! Here's how you join:
1) Take a picture/video of how you use your Post-it® Super Sticky Notes
2) Go to and submit your photo/video!
1) Take a picture/video of how you use your Post-it® Super Sticky Notes
2) Go to and submit your photo/video!
(Pls register/login as a member before submitting)
3) Stand a chance to win an Apple iPad, Nintendo Wii or iPod touch!
3) Stand a chance to win an Apple iPad, Nintendo Wii or iPod touch!
Post-it® notes are my favourite and must-haves during school days! Well, even now I use Post-it® notes at work and at home. Here's what I use them for...
In school, every piece of my school notes will definitely have Post-it® on them with extra notes. If you don't see any Post-it® notes on my papers, it meant that I haven't read them yet. My notes were decorated with Post-it® notes in every colour available! I've left school for awhile now, about 5/6 months? I've dug up my notes, here it is:
Post-it® notes are the reason why studying is fun.
At work, Post-it® notes are very crucial! I kid you not. You see, I'm in sales and that means commission are really the bulk of my salary. I, in fact all my colleagues, use Post-it® notes to label our sales code on our customers products. That way, we can keep track of the items we've sold. Oh yes, we use Post-it® notes during stock-take too! Here's how we use Post-it® notes at work:
That number of course, is my sales code. (:
At home, I have this box Post-it® notes of different shapes, colours and sizes. I doodle on Post-it® notes and use them as reminders as well! I definitely use it to leave messages for Jack and my family members. I used to have a whole board of Post-it® notes, made them when I felt really angry and disappointed.
Here's one:
By the way, this is the Super Sticky notes, premium Post-it® notes!
Look at my collection of Post-it® notes. The yellow and blue ones, with lines are the premium Post-it® Super Sticky notes. Mad sticky I tell you!
Apparently they have this new Die Cut notes! Look at them, those shapes are so cute! I'm gonna get them!

I have a friend, her name is Anita. She's like me, a huge fan of Post-it® notes. I'm gonna get her to join this contest too! We're all big fans of Post-it® brand. I've tried other brands, but you know how other brands always fall off, or how it's so difficult to write on them for god knows what reason?
3M's Post-it® Super Sticky notes is still the best, that I'm sure!
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