See, the thing about pandemics is that they are never going away. Right, you find a cure for it, and the next thing you know a new one pops up, right in your face. Each time, stronger and more contagious than the last one.
Damn that mutherchucker dream i had last night!
I dreamed that I contracted some lethal and incurable pandemic that was going around. And being me, I was unaware and thinking peanuts of my common ailment. Until the world starts rambling about it and making a big fuss out of taking temperature and precautions and whatnot, that I realised that I was going to die because of this pandemic.
Then it struck me that I will not and should not linger around the people I care about because that would put them at a risk of contracting that disease. It felt horrible, I swear. So horrible that I can still feel the pain in my heart as it was when I felt it in the dream. ):
Must be all that ramblings about swine flu that has been going about! Me doesn't like it one bit. ):
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