You play better, you're in. You screw up, and you're out. What else is new in any sport? Because it's competitive like that, because it's unfair just like that. So I put in my all, this past few weeks, and just train. Corrected my mistakes, bared my pain, and suppressed my frustrations. Just for these 3 upcoming games, I took it all.
If it's because of my knee, I'm deprived of my chance to play like the others, I can say that I can bear my pain just because it doesn't hurt that badly. If it's because of my knee, that I've become a burden to the team, I'd gladly sit by the side and watch. Thanks to her, but it's okay, shit happens.
If it's because I'm not good enough, that I'm deprived of my chance to play like the others. All I can say is that there's just this one other person who doesn't deserve this chance to play at all. Just because she doesn't perform up to her expectations, simply because she doesn't try. Why then, put me in the same spot as her?
I won't go on about how much better I am when compared to her, because I know I'm not good. But, putting me in the same spot as her makes me feel like I'm simply wasting my time, wasting everything that I've endured this far.
I know I whine a lot, I know I complain a lot. But please don't judge me, because it's not easy being me. And, don't tell me it's okay, because it's not, at least to me, it's so not.
And because he only knows me too well;
Jack: You're not the kind of person who would give up anyways.
And because I'm stubborn like that, I'm gonna give tomorrow and the other two matches my fucking best. Even if it means busting my knee, again.
P.S: If you're someone who doesn't judge and if you care enough, please I need to rant.
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