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Friday, April 03, 2009

Busted Knee

I got rammed in my left knee, it hurts whenever I walk like you. Coach scared the shit outta me on Wednesday with all the operation tales about cracked soft tissue and whatnot, I'm so glad I'm walking like a penguin now, at least. I want it to recover in about 13 hours time, so I can train with the girls. Pray.

Oh yes, I must address this issue. I do not believe in superficial friendships. If I give my utmost best to you as a friend, I expect nothing less, or at least a try to give your utmost best. I hate people who befriends you to rip benefits from you - financially or physically or mentally. I do not respect people who come and go as they like, claiming to be your bestest friend. I detest people who befriends you when you're around them, and when we part, the friend you thought you once had disappears and does not even make the effort to catch up, oh yes, and behaving like you've disappeared on the face of the earth. I believe in putting in effort to make a friendship work, and if you're one I'd treasure to keep, you'll see me trying, hard. I'll be rather obvious, as the person I am, it's not difficult to know if you're one I'd keep. And if you're someone I'd call friend, I'll make things work even if they've failed, once, twice and all the same. You know who you are, and I you. :)

P.S: If you think that I detest you, then I must say that you've thought wrong. Please don't give it a second thought, because I won't even think of it as any importance to me. (:

P.P.S: TGIF! TGIF! Thank God It's Friday!

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