i don't know if you guessed who i might actually be talking about in the next few minutes, i don't know if who you think i might be referring to is who i am actually referring to. i don't know if i am actually directing this entry to anyone. So if you should accidentally chance upon this, and you think that you might feel offended by what i am about to say, then i suggest you rollover the huge red X sign on the top right hand corner of your window and click it. (:
Now, now. I don't know if it's just you, or the whole world seems too rich to bother about the not so well to do. Or at least being a little tactful, in what you do or what you say. Of course, it's not a crime to splurge however you want to, because you have the ability to do so.
I personally, do not think that jealousy spurred this entry.
I suppose i have quite a lot of friends who are quite well to do, but i don't particularly have any issues with them, because they, from young, were taught that they must work for what they want. Not to depend on anybody. Oh, not to mention that they have this added value of humbleness in them, which makes them friendlier than some other people.
People whose parents who forgot to teach their kids humbleness and to work for what they want, is often spoilt and arrogant. I dare say this, based on quite a number of experience with friends who are as mentioned. I guess it's not their fault, they are born with a sliver spoon in their mouths. Prolly 100 times more fortunate than the kids in Third World Countries.
Maybe there should be a universal law, stating that people whose income which are above 10k a month are required to adopt a child from the Third World Countries, or to donate 10% of their annual income to Third World Countries.
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Now i entirely understand why the Real and Pure form of Communism is so idealistic.
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I think that there should be more people like Angelina Jolie and Bratt Pit.
Alright, i know i am off topic.
But heck, these spoilt brats, they'll never learn. They are too proud to learn.
But heck, these spoilt brats, they'll never learn. They are too proud to learn.
There, now i feel much better. Ta-ta!
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