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Friday, November 09, 2007

pretty nails

alright, im back for more heart warming tales. but first, after reading Nas and Farah's blog, i have this really...

-inserts pause, looks at freshly manicured nails, heart breaks + a lil drama-

*omg, my nails! i just got it done, oh! my nails. damnit, my nails are destroyed. i can't believe it. urgh!

okay, lets try that again, in a less than bimbotic manner.

Nicole, you need to type really slowly, avoiding any slightest contact with the monstrous manicured nail eating keyboard, and pay close attention to your champagne coloured pretty nails.

well, that didnt work either. but heck.

ah, yes as i was saying. after reading Nas and Farah's blog, i have this really sad sad feeling dwelling in my heart. damn it.

Eunice - you've been the best girlfriend. well, the stains and tears you'd probably saw. this, is when girlfriends are waay better than boyfriends. the way you gave me advices and how you spill almost all your troubles at me and the way i listen to you bitch about almost everything, makes me a happier girl. although i may not be as close as your supergirlfriends, i know you care, unlike other people in class. these two years, i feel was worthwhile, knowing people like you. (: p.s i cant wait for Friday to come, tho i know you may not be up to something good. =/

dang, i cant seem to think of anymore people i wanna talk about. =/

now, for people outside 06A1 and closest to my heart;

Qi & Fen - you've been here for me since forever. even though we never meet, even though we barely spoke. i miss having to look at you everyday, i miss bitching with you everyday, i miss all the weird things we do together. there's so much to say, and... just suddenly, im at a loss for words. ='(

aircon - thanks for your occassional leaks, causing me to sleep in a super stuffy room. well, nevertheless, i love you and i cant imagine life without you. (:
well, i might have sounded like a spoilt brat, but i NEED my aircon. and you know it.

Jack - i dont know what else to do if not for you. standing by me all these 14 months, taking all the hot and cold. all your (bitter)sweet actions, i (dis)like. it's kinda fast dont you think, 14 months. i felt like just months ago, you held my hand and walked town with shimmering chirstmas lights dazzling above us. in a few week's time, we'll be doing that again. i loikee. =DD the way you protect me from things i dislike, the way you spite me with your stupid words, the way you call me bimbotic (stop doing that, or i'll bedazzle your hockey stick and underwears), the bimbotic moments and all the whatnots. there's just too much to say, too much to be penned down in words. just, watch the glow above my head. you're so loved alright. =D

alright then,
mom - thanks for being a pain in my ass, and all the ridiculous scoldings and shouting hurled at me. thanks for all the oh so unreasonable talks we had, thanks for the not understanding mes, and all the old fashioned ideas. thanks for being so mean to me, and thanks for not giving me pocket money. thanks for not paying my phone bills, thanks for scolding me when i used the money i earned to buy what i want. thanks for taking money i earned away from me, and thanks for asking me to work so you'll have money. thanks for all the stupid insults you stoned at me, thanks for all your intellectual remarks. i so needed these in all my 18 years of age.

The Game Plan and StarDust was good, almost amazing. =)

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