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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

im history. No, no

go on, click on those links under Millennia Intistute. you'd prolly drown in all the history shit.

honestly, i dont give a damn to all the history and whatnots, but surely i know i must clear that mofo piece of shit to get my ass into the Unis. it must have been a serious abomination when i decided to make myself sit thru all the backdated lessons. history's dead, aint it?

i always tell myself before exams, "comon man, i bloody need to mug" and i always end up ranting here cos i hadnt. so now, fuck off luh. heh. hey Nic, nice screwing this mid-years yo.

Transformers was Sexy. i wasnt even interested, but Jack had to make me watch it with him. superultramazingly nice i'd say. Hot babe and Fast car. like, the movie of the year. lols.

i wanna watch Harry Potter still.
that aside.

4th of July, Independence Day. hey qi, remember how we walked a thousand miles to get that Aston Martin and sent it over the the US? eh, 4th of July, rights, Hot Drummer's Day.

Happy Birthday Hot Sex Hans! ((:

Jack found a sex place damn right my craving now. Sushi DimSum Buffet. now tell me, what beats that hur, what beats that? imma go eat when i get my money. hurhurs.
everything feels like sex to me now. hothothot. =D

im feeling so random now, i feel like going on and on and on.
but, bullshit. imma go have sex game right this minute. bahs.

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