the colours that make up my life.
imma flibbertigibbet. honestly, i clinged on to hopes that i thought never existed. i held tight, and we walked through. i suppose there're many fibbertigibbets out there, not just me and me alone. im glad imma fibbertigibbet.
all the recent tittle-tattle makes me wonder if friends still exist. it makes me wonder if everybody is hypocritical, including me. yes me, and of cos you. we never know right? whether or not a person is true to you. oh, but i do know, some friends are friends i'll keep for life.
i've been mugging quite a bit this week so there aint much fun and photos to show yall. night study programme is fun, with milo and biscuits and good company. honestly, i think it's kinda short for mugging, it's only 3 hours which aint exactly of much help, but still, we were able to mug. and drink milo. tsk.
all the recent tittle-tattle makes me wonder if friends still exist. it makes me wonder if everybody is hypocritical, including me. yes me, and of cos you. we never know right? whether or not a person is true to you. oh, but i do know, some friends are friends i'll keep for life.
i've been mugging quite a bit this week so there aint much fun and photos to show yall. night study programme is fun, with milo and biscuits and good company. honestly, i think it's kinda short for mugging, it's only 3 hours which aint exactly of much help, but still, we were able to mug. and drink milo. tsk.
the fact the im sick and i still mug tells a lot. or maybe, not. tsktsk.
heh, babyy and i bought a new studious file which is suppose to help us be more organised and start revising. we'll see if the file works in the long run. tsk.
that aside, i seriously need to buy these:
this is expensive, and i cant get it cheap. dame.
this, is expensive too, but i can get it for like 300 bucks. HOHO!
so, i needa give tuitions and click on ads. tsk.
imma go to bed now, or maybe not. bahbye.
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