I think that I have an issue, you see, it's quite simple in a sense that you know it's weird. Because there are all these signs to tell you that something is wrong in the correct way. When boyfriend doesn't talk to you, or rather take the initiative to talk to you anymore, when he doesn't want to meet up anymore, when he rather stays at home to game than to roam the streets with you. Oh, and when you start to wonder where'd all the I-Love-You gone to, so much so that you cannot remember if you're dating somebody. It kinda says things that you wish you'll never ever want to know. Call me paranoid, but my boyfriend has been like that for the whole holiday, how about yours? Thank god for photos, it helps me remember how my boyfriend looks like. I have this weird feeling that I cannot put into words, and this weird feeling is filling up every empty hole/space in me. And it kind of _____.
So, my boyfriend and I are dating each other from home now, how convenient. Like how I shop from home! Ah, the wonders of technology. Should I be grateful or what?
Honestly, I don't like it at all. ):
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