I don't understand how can a person be so selfish like them. It's not even their car to begin with. I don't know, if you have so many plans you wish to carry out, use your dad's car then.
Yea, so Jack and I fell out again. The last time we're gonna argue over anything, i presume.
Why? Because he cares so much for some people he calls friend, who doesn't even give two hoots as to how he feels, and how i feel.
You know who I call friends? Slivita. Because they care for us, as much as they care for themselves. These are people who I'd put first before myself, like I've said, only people who treats you well are deserving of your compromisations and concerns for them.
See, the thing is, it's not his car, so who gave him the rights to decide who sits with who? And, why when his girlfriend whines and demands that he sits with her at the back, she gets her way? Why? Fucking bullocks.
I feel like
Because of this, Jack is so majorly concerned(to the point of neglecting my feelings) that they might be unhappy if he were to sit at the back with me, and that they might fall out because she wants to sit with him at the back. Why is it always other people and other things that are placed in front of me? Why? Why am i ALWAYS secondary? Absurd. Did they even think about how we felt the last time? No, NfuckingO.
Yes, I'm stubborn, and anal and demanding and I don't care. All I know is to fend for myself when I'm unjustly treated. Which is usually the job of a boyfriend's, but apparently no one has been fending for me, except for myself, be it the past 2 years, or the next two years.
And I don't care if this entry is gonna start a world war somewhere, somehow. Because as much as i know, Jack and I are no longer Jack and I. Ftw now, ftw.
Oh, if you think that I'm talking about you in this entry, then I'm sorry, you got it wrong. That's right, also if you're gonna come and talk to me or confront me or whatnot, I'd better advise you not to and stay away, as far as possible, cos I'm fucking pissed at you right now. I don't like you or your girlfriend, at all. And boy, you read me right.
P/S: I did not mention names.
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