It has come to the time of the year again, normally I'll be that really irritating and persistant emo high school girl, going on about how i should have worked harder to make things right. The question of Make or Break was always a redundant question.
This year, I honestly do not know, or want to judge myself, on the hard work that I've put into my studies. I know what I'm made of, I know what I should expect to reap with what I've sowed. I was all prepared to leave MI, and source for an alternative opportunity. This time, I felt like I've done it again, make or break? Break.
Much to my surprise, after receiving all my papers and knowing all my results, I felt a little wee bit better. But I didn't thought that it would be enough to pull me through to the next stage. Looking at my shitty results, I thought I was gonna disappoint, yet again.
After receiving a confirmation from Ms J, I was elated! But, not too overjoyed such that I'm happy at the expense of the others who were vying the 3 promoted, 1 advanced places out of the 7 retainees. Honestly, the wait for the release of the results and promotional status was much of an agony.
So there, I am promoted! & as for Jack, he did better than anyone would have expected, even himself. I'm not saying that Jack and I are very deserving of that spot to the next stage in MI, but I'm just really glad we both made it through. :D
Upon hearing the news that some of my VBGirls didn't make the mark, I went over to look for them. I feel sad for them, I can totally understand the shit they are going through at this moment for it is the full blow that I've received last year. I just hope that whatever decisions that they are gonna make, it'll be the best of their future! & we'll always be our VBGirls (:
Examinations: Make or Break? Make the mark, emotionally broken? =/
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