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Monday, September 03, 2007

nothing's left of what i called Home

i want one too, a happy family. ):

i dont wanna fucking rent the rooms.
i dont wanna fucking give up my room.
i dont wanna fucking share a room with you.
i dont wanna fucking live with some strangers.
i dont wanna fucking stay in this house anymore.
it's not even a HOME anymore, it's so much like a HOTEL.

i refuse to stay with any dumb Malaysian factory workers or any stupid NTU students. I REFUSE.
i'll move out if i have to, but that will only make you more sad and worried, and i hate that.

i'm giving tuition, never asked a cent from you, paying my own phone bills, paying for whatever i buy. even when im so fucking broke, i starve. i didnt even ask any fucking cent from you. there're things i want so badly and i refrain myself from buying it. the money i could have used to get myself a laptop and camera, i gave you all. im fucking financially independent, from you at least.

why must you to this to what is left of my home? one without father, without proper home cooked meals, without a cosy family. now, one that's no different to a hotel. nothing's left. nothing.

d'you ever feel how i feel? d'you ever know how much i hate home? d'you ever know if i can stay out all my life i would? d'you? NO. you keep me at home, you think i love home, you think i dont feel as much as you do.

but i know, i know it's not your fault. it's that man's. as much as i love him, i fucking hate him, for doing these to us. Wiped his ass and walked away, to China. probably happily fucking some China whore, mass producing little China whores who'll come to Singapore just to indirectly cause hurt to more girls like me.

China, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You really need to teach your girls, to fucking keep their filthy yellow hands off married men.

No, i dont need pity me, neither do i need you to empathise with me.
oh yes, everyone has family problems. so, why are you reading mine?

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