okay, cant think of tittle.
but im sure i can do it.
so you can read this. (:
okays, work is greeeeeat =)
i made new friends. hehehe.
fangfang and stomato. =)
and today arh, i caught the fatty
steal the chocolates i cut and eat lah.
then fangfang curse her lau sai. HAHA.
and i made auntie laugh. hahaha.
i think arh, auntie, last time is ah lian.
tsktsk, dont believe arh,
go ask ahLek and fangfang. hahaha.
omg, i dont wanna work afternoon shift!
29th camp prep howhowhow? )):
i dont wanna work with _ _ _ _ _ _.
&^&%$%#$@!!! just now just complain
to hongfang lah. tsk, yeah yo~
sigggghs. nevermind. i tahan i tahan!
two more days only! very fast finish and over.
and today ahLek siao siao one.
yo here yo there. yea here yea there.
make me and hongfang olso yo yo yea yea.
tsktsk. then auntie scold us. oh weeeellls.
left two days only =/
tiring arh, but i love the friends there. =D
especially my classmate and workmate.
ohohoh, ConfirmationCamp is coming!
another erms, two days! wheeee!
and val said my CoFac is Shawn from Amplify.
i dont know who is that lah. tsktsk.
wonder handsome a not hor. hahahaha.
Flo just sent me an email.
of my group and co fac:
Shawn & Nicole
and, things i need with me at camp:
a) bible + writing materials
b) sleeping bag
c) mass attire
d) comfy clothes + shoes/sandals for games
e) warm fuzzies for your groups members
the theme this year is p.s i love you.
lol. last year was bling bling. hahaha.
shit lah. im so looking forward =DD
i can't wait for concamp to faster come!
sooo excited! it'll be like YISS,
cept im facilitating! yaynesssssss!
ohohoh, and this also means P&W =))
and finally, i get to serve with all my heart.
once again, with my fellow brothers and sisters (:
# i'll be your angel, dear. =D
Search Me
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Jingle Bells
down and rotten.
totally worn out.
aint in the correct mood.
root beer on my table.
and all i can do is to stare.
been trying to not touch it the whole day.
so i can share it with my honey.
but.. heh.
nevermind. it's still untouched.
i looked in the mirror.
and i seem to hear,
you've failed again, girl.
im so utterly disappointed in you.
i feel lousy for you. sighs.
totally worn out.
aint in the correct mood.
root beer on my table.
and all i can do is to stare.
been trying to not touch it the whole day.
so i can share it with my honey.
but.. heh.
nevermind. it's still untouched.
i looked in the mirror.
and i seem to hear,
you've failed again, girl.
im so utterly disappointed in you.
i feel lousy for you. sighs.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A Life With A Silver Spoon
if you're feeling bored
like hayl and i and would like
to turn back time and play
the lame DOS games once more.
visit here: Click Me (:
okay, coming back to today.
i think im damn stupid.
thats a hundred and twenty five!
let's not brood over that incident.
argh! $%#$^%^$#@!!
blood boil arh. damn stupid lah. =/
i think Jack is so sweet. ((:
comes and find me everyday after
i finish work, be it evening or night.
even when he's injured and tired.
and we'll not know where to go,
and end up being very random.
but honey, its okay you know cos,
i like being with you, no matter where.
i think i am so super random,
and i will continue typing at random.
until Jack calls. hahahahaha.
and i think Jack's already fallen asleep.
uh, what's new. he's as always.
but i still love you anyway. ((:
morning shift tomorrow.
so tireds, and gotta wake up early.
my legs are aching like flowerpots.
and i still gotta stand another 8 hours.
so tiresome just to earn that 50 bucks.
money dont come easy nowadays ya.
tough life i've got there.
being penniless is actually very fatal.
so i dont have a choice either.
and until i thought of a tittle for this post,
it's gonna remain unposted.
but if you get to read this post,
it'll actually mean i thought of a tittle.
smart right. hahahaha.
my honey is watching teevee.
and will be calling after i bathe.
oh yes, i have not bathed.
cos my feets refuse to leave me chair.
and prolly you know why already.
i think im really getting random.
but i cant think of how to end this post.
so, BYEBYE. =D
honey, i have a lifetime to share (:
like hayl and i and would like
to turn back time and play
the lame DOS games once more.
visit here: Click Me (:
okay, coming back to today.
i think im damn stupid.
thats a hundred and twenty five!
let's not brood over that incident.
argh! $%#$^%^$#@!!
blood boil arh. damn stupid lah. =/
i think Jack is so sweet. ((:
comes and find me everyday after
i finish work, be it evening or night.
even when he's injured and tired.
and we'll not know where to go,
and end up being very random.
but honey, its okay you know cos,
i like being with you, no matter where.
i think i am so super random,
and i will continue typing at random.
until Jack calls. hahahahaha.
and i think Jack's already fallen asleep.
uh, what's new. he's as always.
but i still love you anyway. ((:
morning shift tomorrow.
so tireds, and gotta wake up early.
my legs are aching like flowerpots.
and i still gotta stand another 8 hours.
so tiresome just to earn that 50 bucks.
money dont come easy nowadays ya.
tough life i've got there.
being penniless is actually very fatal.
so i dont have a choice either.
and until i thought of a tittle for this post,
it's gonna remain unposted.
but if you get to read this post,
it'll actually mean i thought of a tittle.
smart right. hahahaha.
my honey is watching teevee.
and will be calling after i bathe.
oh yes, i have not bathed.
cos my feets refuse to leave me chair.
and prolly you know why already.
i think im really getting random.
but i cant think of how to end this post.
so, BYEBYE. =D
honey, i have a lifetime to share (:
Kiss Me Under The Mistle Toe.
i got alot to vent today.
and it's 0110am,
and im working morning tmr.
i need to type fast.
okay, first things first.
totally outta my tolerance.
they are so pretty, not.
hello, i mean come on lah.
walau eh, how old already.
flirt with male customers,
so damn kia su, typical Singaporeans.
throw our face lah, pui!
oh and welcome valued tourists,
please do not assiociatepretty us,
actually, please do not put us humankind
and those fruit sellers together.
we belong to a higher class of beings. =)
you are old and fat and short
and, to make things even worst.
you dont even look human enough.
phttsk, and you sell fruits.
you dont speak english as good as i do.
and you're a bloody cheapskate hag.
you make my Mandy cry, flower pot you.
only know how to eat and eat.
lol, why didnt you choke just now.
damn, i should have caught it on tape.
i tell you, it was so horrifying,
it was so damn hilarious.
picture a old hagged pig choking on corn.
but i think, i consider you smart.
smart, my ass. start work only when
Lee Jin is around, you nettlesome bootlicker.
and and and and,
who the hell you think you are.
hey, picture me,
this Princess standing there,
with this irksome old hag
ranting in my face. ^$$#%$#!!!
you think I will take it like that. hurhur.
BINGO! you are smart.
nope, i wont. she makes me feel so..
annoyed, begrudging, bitching,
complaining, crabby, disaffected,
discontent, disgruntled, displeased,
faultfinding, fed up,fretting, frustrated,
griping, grudging, grumbling, grumpy,
insatiable, irked, malcontented,
not satisfied, offended, plaintive,
querulous, sniveling, unappeased,
unassuaged, unfulfilled, ungratified,
unsated, unsatisfied.
and YAY! you are right again,
see, people always say vengence is sweet. (:
take a good look at yourself please.
you are fat and ugly and short.
you dont even know english.
and, look at Me and Hongfang and Mandy.
we are slim and pretty and tall.
hur, you and i make good contrast.
very outstanding, like, black and white.
ohohohohoh, waaaaaaaaaaait.
one more important thing to add.
you you you you you are
an old ugly FRUIT seller in Taka.
we, us, me mandy and hongfang,
we sell Ginseng, A class promoter.
and hello(: i see you, down there,
a few hundred thousand notches
below my foot. aww, dont cry.
you big fat misshapen babarian.
ugly hair, ugly face, ugly built.
you can go and die already lah.
eh, can check dictionary tho.
if you dont really understand
my powerful english.
very cheap only,
a few pears can buy liao.
and, you know, im sorry, i tried
not to use such big words.
but please dont blame me,
its in me.
hahahahahahahahahahaha! =X
okay, next on the list.
Merry Christmas!
i get to spend my christmas
with my dearest Jaaaack.
and i caaaaaant wait.
the excitement is killing me.
wooooow weeeeeeeeee!
i so love christmas time.
pretty christmas tree,
awesome parties,
many presents,
and loadsa love. <3>
next, i think im a bad girlfriend.
really bad one. sighs. =/
so emo. i dont know why.
lol, i pinch jack until blueblack.
im sorry honey. lololololol.
countdown: FIVE days =D
and for all the days of my life,
it's some sort of investment.
nah, you wont understand.
it's like, say, insurance. (:
Lifetime Insurance of Happiness
and, of course, Love. =D
there's not another lover
that will treat me like you do.
i love you dear((:
dont you ever. ever.
let go of me you hear me?
cos i dont wanna live one day
without you by my side.
i dont even wanna try thinking.
i wanna live everyday,
with your love.
and it's 0110am,
and im working morning tmr.
i need to type fast.
okay, first things first.
totally outta my tolerance.
they are so pretty, not.
hello, i mean come on lah.
walau eh, how old already.
flirt with male customers,
so damn kia su, typical Singaporeans.
throw our face lah, pui!
oh and welcome valued tourists,
please do not assiociate
actually, please do not put us humankind
and those fruit sellers together.
we belong to a higher class of beings. =)
you are old and fat and short
and, to make things even worst.
you dont even look human enough.
phttsk, and you sell fruits.
you dont speak english as good as i do.
and you're a bloody cheapskate hag.
you make my Mandy cry, flower pot you.
only know how to eat and eat.
lol, why didnt you choke just now.
damn, i should have caught it on tape.
i tell you, it was so horrifying,
it was so damn hilarious.
picture a old hagged pig choking on corn.
but i think, i consider you smart.
smart, my ass. start work only when
Lee Jin is around, you nettlesome bootlicker.
and and and and,
who the hell you think you are.
hey, picture me,
this Princess standing there,
with this irksome old hag
ranting in my face. ^$$#%$#!!!
you think I will take it like that. hurhur.
BINGO! you are smart.
nope, i wont. she makes me feel so..
annoyed, begrudging, bitching,
complaining, crabby, disaffected,
discontent, disgruntled, displeased,
faultfinding, fed up,
griping, grudging, grumbling, grumpy,
insatiable, irked, malcontented,
not satisfied, offended, plaintive,
querulous, sniveling, unappeased,
unassuaged, unfulfilled, ungratified,
unsated, unsatisfied.
and YAY! you are right again,
see, people always say vengence is sweet. (:
take a good look at yourself please.
you are fat and ugly and short.
you dont even know english.
and, look at Me and Hongfang and Mandy.
we are slim and pretty and tall.
hur, you and i make good contrast.
very outstanding, like, black and white.
ohohohohoh, waaaaaaaaaaait.
one more important thing to add.
you you you you you are
an old ugly FRUIT seller in Taka.
we, us, me mandy and hongfang,
we sell Ginseng, A class promoter.
and hello(: i see you, down there,
a few hundred thousand notches
below my foot. aww, dont cry.
you big fat misshapen babarian.
ugly hair, ugly face, ugly built.
you can go and die already lah.
eh, can check dictionary tho.
if you dont really understand
my powerful english.
very cheap only,
a few pears can buy liao.
and, you know, im sorry, i tried
not to use such big words.
but please dont blame me,
its in me.
hahahahahahahahahahaha! =X
okay, next on the list.
Merry Christmas!
i get to spend my christmas
with my dearest Jaaaack.
and i caaaaaant wait.
the excitement is killing me.
wooooow weeeeeeeeee!
i so love christmas time.
pretty christmas tree,
awesome parties,
many presents,
and loadsa love. <3>
next, i think im a bad girlfriend.
really bad one. sighs. =/
so emo. i dont know why.
lol, i pinch jack until blueblack.
im sorry honey. lololololol.
countdown: FIVE days =D
and for all the days of my life,
it's some sort of investment.
nah, you wont understand.
it's like, say, insurance. (:
Lifetime Insurance of Happiness
and, of course, Love. =D
there's not another lover
that will treat me like you do.
i love you dear((:
dont you ever. ever.
let go of me you hear me?
cos i dont wanna live one day
without you by my side.
i dont even wanna try thinking.
i wanna live everyday,
with your love.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus
old aunties cannot behave themselves.
they think they are 12 years old.
and yes, of cos we speak english,
and we are proud
because we speak english.
and, we are A class,
we wont stoop that low.
i never used to think i would enjoy
walking in town alone at night,
but, just now after work,
jack was late as usual. hahaha.
and i walked alone on the streets
and looked up, the little light lights
made me smile, cos i know,
that this pretty christmas,
im not spending it alone.
i've got my honey sweet boyfriend.
oooo i love christmas! =D
and the best present this year,
the gentleman of my dreams.
my knight in shining armour.
my soulmate and best friend.
my honey and my dearest.
the best boyfriend anyone
could possibly have.
he's so loving, so caring and so sweet.
always so understanding and forgiving.
takes my tantrum without complains.
and always to make me smile.
melts me with hugs and kisses.
knows when i need a hug or a smile.
brings me tshirt and slippers and love.
and, chope me to be his
for all the rest of time.
just as i was blogging about how
the man of my dreams
entered my reality.
hur, it starts again. andd i think,
im feeling bullshit. what a bad day.
hurhur. can things get any shittier?
sighs, and even tho fights surfaces,
you know i still love you honey.
more and more each day. (:
they think they are 12 years old.
and yes, of cos we speak english,
and we are proud
because we speak english.
and, we are A class,
we wont stoop that low.
i never used to think i would enjoy
walking in town alone at night,
but, just now after work,
jack was late as usual. hahaha.
and i walked alone on the streets
and looked up, the little light lights
made me smile, cos i know,
that this pretty christmas,
im not spending it alone.
i've got my honey sweet boyfriend.
oooo i love christmas! =D
and the best present this year,
the gentleman of my dreams.
my knight in shining armour.
my soulmate and best friend.
my honey and my dearest.
the best boyfriend anyone
could possibly have.
he's so loving, so caring and so sweet.
always so understanding and forgiving.
takes my tantrum without complains.
and always to make me smile.
melts me with hugs and kisses.
knows when i need a hug or a smile.
brings me tshirt and slippers and love.
and, chope me to be his
for all the rest of time.
just as i was blogging about how
the man of my dreams
entered my reality.
hur, it starts again. andd i think,
im feeling bullshit. what a bad day.
hurhur. can things get any shittier?
sighs, and even tho fights surfaces,
you know i still love you honey.
more and more each day. (:
Thursday, November 23, 2006
나는 너를 사랑한다 <3
benn: i know how to speak korean.
nic: cool
benn: hamtaro, seoul park ji sung,
kia motors hyundai.
learn, it means "buy my ginseng"
nic: ..................
so now i know and i learn,
sales expected to increase tmr.
due to korean tuition from benjy.
jack sounds like a cow.
eh shit, no, that wasnt my point.
my point, is that. erms, ya.
i love jack.
my honey's a clumsy thing.
he's injured his knee and,
claims to be damn fit.
when he cant even climb
the stairs without groaning.
andandand, he still come all
the way after hockey training,
just to eat dinner and send me home.
now, you know why i love jack so much. ((:
nic: cool
benn: hamtaro, seoul park ji sung,
kia motors hyundai.
learn, it means "buy my ginseng"
nic: ..................
so now i know and i learn,
sales expected to increase tmr.
due to korean tuition from benjy.
jack sounds like a cow.
eh shit, no, that wasnt my point.
my point, is that. erms, ya.
i love jack.
my honey's a clumsy thing.
he's injured his knee and,
claims to be damn fit.
when he cant even climb
the stairs without groaning.
andandand, he still come all
the way after hockey training,
just to eat dinner and send me home.
now, you know why i love jack so much. ((:
Monday, November 20, 2006
Completely Lost For Words.
i like looking at you.
because in your eyes,
i see: iloveyou, sweets.
im so fucking tired.
and my phone's with Jack.
dont ask. im damn tired.
so bloody tired. i need zzz.
snuggle up tight,
say your prayers.
with sweet nights,
i say good night.
i love you honey.
because in your eyes,
i see: iloveyou, sweets.
im so fucking tired.
and my phone's with Jack.
dont ask. im damn tired.
so bloody tired. i need zzz.
snuggle up tight,
say your prayers.
with sweet nights,
i say good night.
i love you honey.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sweet Surrender
watched casino royale yesterday.
with mummy and daddy at midnight.
was quite okay, but compared to others
the other bond movies, bah, not nice. lol.
know i could marry James Bond,
for the love of Aston Martins. =D
looong story. HAHAHAHA.
im sure enqi knows it well.
i had a thing for hot drummers.
and then enqi and i went all
around Singapore, looking for the
coolest present for the hottest drummer.
and we were looking everywhere for
Aston Martin model car, display set.
and then slowly developed this
feel for Aston Martins.
wheeee, i love hot fast cars! xD
eh, you know in movies as such,
fast cars and pretty girls never survive.
fast cars get crushed and burnt.
pretty girls get killed and murdered.
what a waste of good resources.
-shakes my head-
i got this super cute cousin, Nigel.
and all this while when im blogging,
he's running in and out of the room.
and, he'll whack my brother and run away.
and shouts, good! very good!
and he's only three. damn cute.
and now, he's crawling in and out.
going vroom vroom vroom!
damn retarded. hahahahahahahaha.
yayness! im starting work tomorrow.
meeting Mandy at 8.15 at Clementi.
gotta reach there at 9.15am.
and yay yay yay yay yay!
im meeting jack tomorrow after work.
like finally finally finally lah!
how many days never see my honey already.
and gladness, i get to watch Step Up. =D
come share my life (:
with mummy and daddy at midnight.
was quite okay, but compared to others
the other bond movies, bah, not nice. lol.
know i could marry James Bond,
for the love of Aston Martins. =D
looong story. HAHAHAHA.
im sure enqi knows it well.
i had a thing for hot drummers.
and then enqi and i went all
around Singapore, looking for the
coolest present for the hottest drummer.
and we were looking everywhere for
Aston Martin model car, display set.
and then slowly developed this
feel for Aston Martins.
wheeee, i love hot fast cars! xD
eh, you know in movies as such,
fast cars and pretty girls never survive.
fast cars get crushed and burnt.
pretty girls get killed and murdered.
what a waste of good resources.
-shakes my head-
i got this super cute cousin, Nigel.
and all this while when im blogging,
he's running in and out of the room.
and, he'll whack my brother and run away.
and shouts, good! very good!
and he's only three. damn cute.
and now, he's crawling in and out.
going vroom vroom vroom!
damn retarded. hahahahahahahaha.
yayness! im starting work tomorrow.
meeting Mandy at 8.15 at Clementi.
gotta reach there at 9.15am.
and yay yay yay yay yay!
im meeting jack tomorrow after work.
like finally finally finally lah!
how many days never see my honey already.
and gladness, i get to watch Step Up. =D
come share my life (:
Friday, November 17, 2006
i wanna see the christmas lights!

see, the sky always looks this awesome.

this is lenice

and she's damn bimbotic.

the aura of christmas.
i was a bad bad girl yesterday.
sighs, i dont know why.
nevermind, sleep is good.
it takes away bad bad emotions.
but last nights sleep was..
quite different, i went to sleep,
with wet pillows and draggy
feelings and all that shit.
and today, thru out today.
i dont know, it just felt different.
ahh, oh wells. i dont care now. =/
it's coming! it's coming!
christmas! yay! =DDD
i was reading seventeen just now.
and it says 9 dec, Loof.
greeeaaaat fashion baazar.
confirm got loads and loads of lobang.
i. want. to. go!
you wanna come too right.
okay i'll be nice and care and share.
331 northbridge road #03-07
odeon towers extension, rooftop.
4pm all the way til 9pm!
see the reason why i need more cash? =)
its the feeling of losing, i fear.
don't go away. hold me closer.
don't. let. me. fall. alone.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
contemptuous reality
when friendships become bullshits.
when fights with bf turn into idontcares.
when friends dont use to be as close.
when trainings aint good anymore.
when you're just so bloody tired.
life starts to seem pessimistic.
and mine, looks totally morbid.
so bleak and cynical. so despairing.
so fatalistic, i wonder whats the point.
and no, friends and boyfriend.
they dont even understand.
and no, i dont think they will.
dont ask. bloody mood nowadays can kill.
when fights with bf turn into idontcares.
when friends dont use to be as close.
when trainings aint good anymore.
when you're just so bloody tired.
life starts to seem pessimistic.
and mine, looks totally morbid.
so bleak and cynical. so despairing.
so fatalistic, i wonder whats the point.
and no, friends and boyfriend.
they dont even understand.
and no, i dont think they will.
dont ask. bloody mood nowadays can kill.
in just two bloody seconds,
things can change like wth?
and i dont even know why.
what the green bbq mushroom?
why do shits like these always happen.
and im always the idiot who'll apologise.
whether its my fault or not.
whether i like it or not.
and i dont even know why.
just what in the world is wrong?
i dont need these,
and i dont want these.
where has the love and respect
and compromising gone to?
all i do is to cry the shits away.
and he dont even bother,
its not his fault whaat. hehh.
what's the use of sorries,
when nothings gonna change?
when stupid fights like these
keeps on repeating and happening.
see why i never likes sorries,
because noone ever meant it
when they say their sorry.
once, twice and again.
what the fuck? ^$#%$!!!
i dont understand why,
and know what, im too tired.
to even care two hoots,
you can fight on your own.
leave me alone, push me away.
nicole! you bad girlfriend!
things can change like wth?
and i dont even know why.
what the green bbq mushroom?
why do shits like these always happen.
and im always the idiot who'll apologise.
whether its my fault or not.
whether i like it or not.
and i dont even know why.
just what in the world is wrong?
i dont need these,
and i dont want these.
where has the love and respect
and compromising gone to?
all i do is to cry the shits away.
and he dont even bother,
its not his fault whaat. hehh.
what's the use of sorries,
when nothings gonna change?
when stupid fights like these
keeps on repeating and happening.
see why i never likes sorries,
because noone ever meant it
when they say their sorry.
once, twice and again.
what the fuck? ^$#%$!!!
i dont understand why,
and know what, im too tired.
to even care two hoots,
you can fight on your own.
leave me alone, push me away.
nicole! you bad girlfriend!
everywhere i go
i wanna watch step up =/
bah, im so veh veh tired,
i dont even feel like typing.
but i am typing and im tired.
im tired and hungry and tired.
im tired but i dont wanna sleep.
im hungry but i dont wanna eat.
i dont know what i want. nope.
actually, i dont want anything.
cos im tired and hungry and tired.
oh there's one thing i want.
i want want want to watch step up.
and i wanna watch the sun set.
by the beach, sipping soda.
enjoying my honey's company.
soaking up the breeze and love.
what a wonderful night it would be.
today's evening sky was splendid.
the sunset is still ever so prettiful.
i suppose everything changes but
the magnificient sight stays as it is.
if i could only live until tomorrow.
and i could only do one more last thing,
before i leave, i would wanna
watch the sunset until sunrise.
if you could paint my love...
bah, im so veh veh tired,
i dont even feel like typing.
but i am typing and im tired.
im tired and hungry and tired.
im tired but i dont wanna sleep.
im hungry but i dont wanna eat.
i dont know what i want. nope.
actually, i dont want anything.
cos im tired and hungry and tired.
oh there's one thing i want.
i want want want to watch step up.
and i wanna watch the sun set.
by the beach, sipping soda.
enjoying my honey's company.
soaking up the breeze and love.
what a wonderful night it would be.
today's evening sky was splendid.
the sunset is still ever so prettiful.
i suppose everything changes but
the magnificient sight stays as it is.
if i could only live until tomorrow.
and i could only do one more last thing,
before i leave, i would wanna
watch the sunset until sunrise.
if you could paint my love...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
i long after you.
i think God is Great. actually,
better than Great.
i came online, and as usual,
i bloghop to the usual blogs.
and then i saw Mandy's,
and i read about God and His works.
then just today, while i was sleeping,
my phone rang. i opened the msg and read.
it was Jeremy Tan,
asking all of us to meet at the Stable tonight.
said he exprienced God and His works too.
so having training later and all,
i cannot go. so i told him.
and jem asked me to read it on his blog,
and so i did. and true enough,
it was edifying. more than splendid.
so i thought, Mandy and Jem.
Mandy interpreted her own tongues.
Jem had this..
experience with God.
they expirienced God.
i want it too. bad bad.
i want it! I WANT IT TOO. ):
it's been a long time
since i had edifying expirience.
coming to think of it,
the last time i had such expirience,
was. YISS last year.
and no, that cannot be. no no no!
i want to expirience my Saviour.
and His amazing works!
sighs, actually, that reminds me of
how long have i not been serving God.
nevermind, i shall not be depressed.
CON CAMP is coming! =D
and, i got a job.
selling ginseng at taka next week.
with maaaandy. we went "interview" yesterday.
and i thank God for this jooooob. ((((((((:
and all..
Glory be to the Father
and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit
as it was in the begining
is now and ever shall be
a world without end.
words cannot express my love and longing for you Lord.
better than Great.
i came online, and as usual,
i bloghop to the usual blogs.
and then i saw Mandy's,
and i read about God and His works.
then just today, while i was sleeping,
my phone rang. i opened the msg and read.
it was Jeremy Tan,
asking all of us to meet at the Stable tonight.
said he exprienced God and His works too.
so having training later and all,
i cannot go. so i told him.
and jem asked me to read it on his blog,
and so i did. and true enough,
it was edifying. more than splendid.
so i thought, Mandy and Jem.
Mandy interpreted her own tongues.
Jem had this..
experience with God.
they expirienced God.
i want it too. bad bad.
i want it! I WANT IT TOO. ):
it's been a long time
since i had edifying expirience.
coming to think of it,
the last time i had such expirience,
was. YISS last year.
and no, that cannot be. no no no!
i want to expirience my Saviour.
and His amazing works!
sighs, actually, that reminds me of
how long have i not been serving God.
nevermind, i shall not be depressed.
CON CAMP is coming! =D
and, i got a job.
selling ginseng at taka next week.
with maaaandy. we went "interview" yesterday.
and i thank God for this jooooob. ((((((((:
and all..
Glory be to the Father
and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit
as it was in the begining
is now and ever shall be
a world without end.
words cannot express my love and longing for you Lord.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
tenacious dependence

the more we get together, the merrier we'll be ((:
i love you dear.
when your boyfriend goes to sleep,
without saying good night and i love you,
you'd go crazy and do all sorts of funny things,
at three in the morning, take the below as a few of the examples.
click to view enjoy =D

im naked :D

jack's sooo cutee!

and he's mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
good night maplings. ((:
Monday, November 13, 2006
the more we get together

bad behaviour in church. -shakes head-
whats the world coming to hur?

just look at the weather outside.

it's raining all kinda things these days.
oh, and people always say.

change is good.

dont yall agree? at least benjy does. =)
and boys boys boys,

they game late in the night in sister's room.
so irritating. urgh.
it's coming! it's coming! yay!

tis' the season to be jolly!
i tell you, we spent half an hour to produce,

what cute lil girls call masterpiece.
i think, enqi, we suck at being a twit. FAIL.
so we decided to take what we call

photos that are a lil less than abnormal

but it's photos that are no where near twit.

and it's closer to, spastic. i think. =)
yours sincerely,
nicole ((:
Sunday, November 12, 2006
if i aint got you

i wanna watch step up.
i think it's gonna be so nice.
was in church whole day.
and i finally get to chill
with all my pretty girlfriends.
i tell you, these people
they come together and
our bellies'll have to suffer.
greg's damn retarded.
i cannot stand him.
benjy's super mean.
damn mean lah.
val's ultra crazy.
buay tahan, train stomach.
mel's always smiling.
always. 24/7 everyday (:
charles' damn charles.
subra's omg erhms.
hehh, i wont say why here.
why dont you come and ask me:)
i'll be busy with ConCamp soon.
i miss praise and worship.
esp with the 1989 people.
decided to go sentosa-ing
on tuesday. wheee yayness!
nora's hist lesson tmr,
its gonna be soo boringg.
but on a lighter note,
i'll be meeting enqi tmr.
at eleven, at causeway. yay!
like, finally after so long. (((:
i miss my jack like retarded.
i reeeeeeeally miss jack. =/
kids on love
so as i was blog hopping, i came to HAYL's blog and saw this post about what lil kids think of love. and i thought these three in particular makes some sense, and i find it familiar. hahahaha.
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
and i think,
love is jack((:
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
and i think,
love is jack((:
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
i need this out.
i need this out.
i dont understand. i just dont. but i dont know what i dont understand. and i feel pissed. but i dont know with what and who and why. i simply just dont understand. somebody tell me why. i so dont understand what i dont understand. tell me why i dont understand what i dont understand.
it feels wrong. and i feel better now. sighs.
and uh, you know you.
thank you for listening and lending me your ear. i like ranting at you. hahaha. but really, i'd appreciate it alot. ((:
i dont understand. i just dont. but i dont know what i dont understand. and i feel pissed. but i dont know with what and who and why. i simply just dont understand. somebody tell me why. i so dont understand what i dont understand. tell me why i dont understand what i dont understand.
it feels wrong. and i feel better now. sighs.
and uh, you know you.
thank you for listening and lending me your ear. i like ranting at you. hahaha. but really, i'd appreciate it alot. ((:
Sunday, November 05, 2006
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