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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
twentythree, onemoretotwo (:
anyways, training was boring until when coach came back. But it was still a lil boring. i am aching everywhere, every possible inch you can find muscles on, it's bound to be aching. roarr.
I am very lazy to blog.
I spoke to Baby :D :D
I spoke to benjy :D
I spoke to mel :D
oh, dum dee dum dee dum dum. :D I dont know why im so happy today, must be jack. :D
*and to that girl, whose boyfriend passed away in Brunei. it's not easy, but im sure you'll do fine (: I'll be keeping you in my prayers. (:
Monday, July 28, 2008
same old sequential, mundane shit
Hello all, here's a guide for you on how to survive the long bulleted post below. Please do Selective Reading, just like how I churned this post out by Selective Typing. Enjoy.
- Monday blues just hits me in the head, made me feel really drowsy throughout the day.
- Monday is the longest day in the week although Thursday is just as long, it isn't as bad.
- Last week felt like the longest week ever.
- Doodles helped me pass my long Monday.
- Hunny came over for a nap at my house after school, slept all the way til 7PM. Lol!
- Had dinner with mummy when we woke up downstairs and all that pool ball joke. Tsk.
- I hate Mondays, they're too long and insufferable.
- Oh, I finally can come online after days of trying to connect to the stupid Internet.
- Furball bought me sweets from Muji, yet again.
- I do realise that this is becoming a mass of random bulleted points instead of what it was meant to be. What was it meant to be anyways?
- I'm sick of my DS Lite already. Zzz, new games please?
- Tmr's Kangoo again, I'm gonna have stinky feet again. Zzz.
- It's been a long time since we've seen photos up here, haven't we?
- I would post up photos from the photo shoot, but I'm too
hungrylazy to re size them properly, so you're not gonna see it. But it's really nice, ask the other 4 girls. :)
- Note to self: Bring the longest socks I can find at home. Zzz.
- Another note to self: Bring the DVDs for Ger and Apple.
- Okay, one more note to self: Look for the new game Amira recommended. :)
- Last note to self: Say something nice to Jack before I sleep. :D
I want more Coloured Pens/Markers. :D
Sunday, July 27, 2008
To my sweet Furball (:
to nicole:
thank you for being there for me this year, if it weren’t for you life in 07a1 would be a torture. the funny times, sweet times, indian donkey times, oil barrel times, and many more times, you’ve been a rainbow to me and love. i truly am thankful of you being my friend, sweet as sugar. you never fail to notice my emotions, like when i’d cried you could tell just from one look. love came up to me during buffet yesterday saying you felt i was upset, that’s when i decided to dedicate this post to you, for the past 7 months and the many more to come. lets make it thru this yr and go for more buffets to LOSE weight. hahahah. <3
Furball's sucha sweet flabbie. (:
I'm glad I've come to know you better too! and not to forget the Donkress, for all his lost-the-his-moments. Yes all the food dates, movie dates, the cheesy toy catching machine, the stupid words moment, and more food dates, ugly eeyore moments, PSP moments, DS Lite moments, "mugging" moments, shopping times and more food dates. Thank you for the "youtiaos" and (here comes my favourite) the"humchimpaaaaaaaangs" for breakfast almost everyday. Lol, you've brighten our lives too Slivita (:
You're like the coloured markers in our Roxy pencil case.
Thinking back on the things we did together in the past 7 months, it reminded me that WE HAVEN'T BEEN TO IKEA FOR A LONG TIME. Roflmao.
We're like the gay-est foursome you can ever find Happy Four Friends, beat that. Lol.
Okay, byebye.
P.S What's our next buffet gonna be? LOL.
P.P.S I've seen the side of Slev Sliv no one else has. [Except for Anita and Jack of cos!] Give me $50 and I'll tell you a little bit. Hey Oily, I'd give you discount, one barrel of oil for 5 stupid things he did. lolololol.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
blog war?
Oh please, she's too extravagant for me to imitate. Rofl. Might as well say I copied her choice of school, her type of boyfriend, her talking styles, her making out preferences, her shitting styles? Roflmao.
Besides, she's too affluent for me. I'm sorry, I do not match up with your too-much-money-anyhow-spend-and-show-off styles.
P.S staring at me doesn't make me afraid of you, i'm not yasmin. (:
P.P.S Boyfriend, it seems like our opinions of her just went down by a few thousand notches, yet again.
For every war, there'll be peace that comes with it at the end.
P.S I still cannot find that post which started everything. zzz. Oh wells.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
a post just for you :)
So if you have a problem with me, come to me and confront me face to face. Please, don't be chickens and ask this person, ask that person. Urgh, so disgusting. *Rolls eyes.
P/S Leave my friends out of it, you won't get anything from them.
P/P/S Not to mention that I didn't even mention names. Hmmm.
P/P/P/S Sometimes, I just blog about random and general things that comes to my mind. By reacting and taking action to whatsoever I mentioned proves you guilty. (:
One last thing: I find it very disturbing, I've changed links and have not told anyone much about the change, yet some desperate people still managed to find this space, read every single post and got themselves angered. Weird people, I must say. Lol?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Photographer: Jace Tan (:
Thursday's shoot was fun! This is one of the many photos we shot. (: Okay byebye!Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Okay i admit, i snagged ALL, but am only able to put these few up because IM LAZY.
For more pictures, please click here. (:
P.S I manually resized the photos, it's sucha chore. phffts.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Cleo Swimsuit Shoot

If it weren't for them, we'd won for ourselves a trip to Phuket. Damn.