okay, YAY, blogger is working now. Hence my photos are up and running.
Thane, is the Polo Captain, the HAWT polo captain. I was trying my best to capture his face on film, but as you can see, i did not succeed. I secretly went to his friendster tho, BUT, his photos there can hardly justify himself in reality. So, i shall refrain from showing it to you. boo!
Boyfriend said i could upload his photo here, if i want. Since i dont have it, i shall not post it here anymore. Take a look at LJ soon Okay, decided not too either. ROFL.
These are not all, will upload the rest of the photos from my uncle's camera as soon as he sends it to me. heh. Also from boyfriend's phone, not much, but the most important photos are in there. =)
AH YES, boyfriend and I had a rather bumpy morning. because we couldnt go tanning, 1) he didnt wake up in time, 2) it was raining cows and chickens. But wells, i guess we can go tanning on some other days.
Then came MARCHE, it was well and yummy, but to avoid dropping a bomb on my aunt and uncle's financial system, I didnt really ate much. there was like 14 people at MARCHE, and each and everyone of us ate a steak and more. the total bill added up to 400+. OMFG, that's a rather expensive birthday celebration for 14 people. But then again, they're rich.
The photos are shit quality, I need a camera ASAP. zzz, it's so hard to save money, i've stopped saving for Bintan too, needa pay phone bills. Damnit.
Training tomorrow, I hope it's not so much on physical since we're training at Unity. hahahaha, I'm feeling so lazy these few days. BOO. =(
P.S French toast are the most delicious yummy food ever, especially the remaining eggs leftover that can be used to fry scramble egg. =DDD